Gymnast Information
Please fill out the following information.  We will also need your HS transcript and 2 letters of recommendations emailed to by Jan. 15, 2023 in order to be considered for the award.
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Gymnast Name
High School Attending
Current GPA (a transcript must be emailed as well)
List of classes taken Junior and Senior Year:
Accomplishments in gymnastics:
Why did you get started in gymnastics? Why have you continued?
What is the hardest skill you have learned on each event? Which one are you most proud of learning? Why?
How have you contributed to the sport of gymnastics?
What is the highlight of your gymnastics career?
Describe a specific challenge or adversity you have overcome in your life so far (does not have to be about gymnastics).  How has this adversity helped you in your gymnastics career? *
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