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ML+X Forum / ML+Coffee Registration, April
Please fill out this form to register for
one or both
of the upcoming ML+X community events:
Harnessing the power of foundation models for healthcare and life sciences
Jameson Merkow (Microsoft) and Alan B. McMillan (UW-Madison)
Tuesday, 4/1, 12-1pm (Orchard View, Discovery Building + Zoom)
Foundation models represent a significant leap forward in AI capabilities. This session focuses specifically on how Microsoft is harnessing this power for the unique challenges within healthcare and life sciences. We'll showcase examples of Microsoft's foundation models in action, demonstrating their practical applications in improving diagnostics, streamlining research, and personalizing treatments.
Wednesday, 4/2, 9-11am (Room 1145, Discovery Building)
ML+Coffee offers a supportive and casual environment to discuss ongoing machine learning (ML) & AI projects and share knowledge & tools across campus. Whether you're looking for advice on applying ML/AI to your data, hoping to demo a favorite tool, or interested in discussing an ML/AI paper, ML+Coffee offers the perfect space. All experience levels are welcome, and everyone is encouraged to participate regardless of background. Coffee provided ☕ to keep the ideas flowing, courtesy of our sponsors.
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Are you currently enrolled in a degree program at UW-Madison (undergrad, graduate, etc.)?
This information is required for filing catering-related paperwork.
You don't need to be a UW-Madison student to attend ML+X events.
Are you currently an employee at UW-Madison?
This information is required for filing catering-related paperwork.
You don't need to be a UW-Madison employee
to attend ML+X events.
ML+X community
community has a google group it uses to send reminders about its upcoming events. If you aren't already a member of the google group, you can use this link to join (
must be logged into a google account)
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I just joined via the link provided
I'm having difficulty joining — please add me using the email I provided in this form
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