2020/2021 Kids Club After School Registration - St. Mary's
Registration is now open for the 2020 - 2021 Light of Christ After-School Program!


Start date of the program is not available at this time.  We are waiting for guidance and guidelines regarding Covid-19 and also want to ensure adequate staffing to meet the guidelines and to ensure a safe environment for everyone.

The after-school program is available from 3:00 – 5:30pm Monday through Friday.
This program serves students in Pre K 4 through 5th grade.  There will be no after-school care on early dismissal and non-school days.
The after-school program is a fun, safe place for your student to spend their time until you are able to pick them up.  We offer a variety of games and activities for all ages.  We also go outside each day if the weather permits.  When we have adequate staffing, homework time will be offered to students in grades 3, 4 and 5.
We offer a snack for 50 cents per day.  All of our schools are nut-free zone.  If a child, brings their own snack, please make sure it is nut-free.  No candy, gum or drinks are allowed.

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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Current Grade *
Tier Options -  Please choose the tier that best fits your after school needs.  Tier prices are per child. *
I agree to the tier that I chose above. I understand that payment will be made through my FACTS tuition account monthly.                                                                           *
I agree that I will pick my child/children up by their designated time.   I understand that late charges will be applied after 5:30 pm or for other unexplained late pick-ups for earlier tiers.  The late charge is $20 plus an additional $2 per minute per child.   Late charges  after 5:30  will be applied until the children have left the building.  If your family has frequent late pick-ups you may be asked to find alternative arrangements for after school care. *
I have read and understand the policies and rules of both the Kids Club and Grade School handbooks.  I also understand that after school programming is not always the best fit for every child.  Unresolved or ongoing behaviors that are mentioned in the handbook may be cause for termination from the program. *
Parent Name (Signature) *
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