Trident RFC 50th Anniversary Weekend Aug 4-6
Please fill out as soon as possible in order to get a head count so we can all plan accordingly
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
Full Name *
Telephone Number *
Email Address *
Years Played with Tridents
Position Played
Memorable Trident Story
The Boys!
If you are not able to attend these events because of any reason, please let us know why. If you cannot afford any event  the team will work on making it happen.
Alumni Match Friday August 4, 7 PM @ Athalie Range Park *
Match AfterParty Friday August 4, 10 PM @ AULDUBLINER
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Calle Ocho Cigar Tour Saturday August 5 11 AM @ Location TBA
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50th Anniversary Banquet & Awards August 5, 7 PM @ SALT on Key Biscayne  *
ChurrascoFest Aug 6 @ 12 PM on Crandon Park (Kids are free) *
Can you help towards the success of this event?
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If you have any comments, concerns or suggestions please let us know here!
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