RNH Bighi through Communities' Stories

--- Biex taqra bil-Malti inżel aktar 'l isfel ---

RNH Bighi through Communities’ Stories is an artistic-research project that is looking into the historical and architectural function of the former Royal Naval Hospital (RNH) Bighi, but, moreover, is interested in looking into its social and cultural relevance for the communities who have experienced the place. The site of the former hospital, which in the late 1970s also served as a school, currently houses Esplora – Malta’s Interactive Science Centre, among other organisations. The compounds of RNH Bighi, together with the outdoor areas, are more than a mere container hosting a series of exhibits, shows, workshops, conferences, weddings, public and private functions. Bighi provides a space, and, moreover, a place with a rich and long history of day-to-day living, including personal stories and collective memory. 

The current research phase will lead to the publication of a research report, a series of short video clips and a public talk by mid-2023. All this will be then used as groundwork for a creative production in the coming years.

The research team is inviting community members to share their story or memory of RNH Bighi through a one-hour encounter, that will take place at Esplora in Kalkara. If an in-person encounter is not possible, alternative means are being offered, such as video or telephone calls. 

If you are interested in sharing your story with us, please fill in this online form and we will be in touch to set an appointment. Thank you!

This project is supported by Arts Council Malta and APS Bank.

*** UPDATE ***

Currently, we are no longer setting any more appointments, however, if you are still interested in sharing your story, we encourage you to fill out this online form just the same. Your contact details will become part of a database and we will get back to you later on in the future. 

------ Bil-Malti ------

RNH Bighi through Communities’ Stories huwa proġett ta’ riċerka artistika li qed iħares lejn il-funzjoni storika u arkitettonika ta’ dak li kien l-Isptar Navali ta’ Bighi, iżda, barra minn hekk, huwa interessat ukoll li jħares lejn ir-rilevanza soċjali u kulturali tiegħu għall-komunitajiet li esperjenzaw il-post. Ġewwa s-sit tal-eks sptar, li lejn l-aħħar tas-snin sebgħin serva wkoll bħala skola, bħalissa nsibu l-Esplora – iċ-Ċentru tax-Xjenza Interattiva ta’ Malta, fost organizzazzjonijiet oħra. Il-kumpless ta’ Bighi, flimkien maż-żoni ta’ barra, huma aktar minn sempliċi kontenitur li jospita sensiela ta’ wirjiet, prestazzjonijiet, workshops, konferenzi, tiġijiet, funzjonijiet pubbliċi u privati. Bighi jipprovdi spazju, u, barra minn hekk, post bi storja rikka u twila mill-ħajja ta’ kuljum, inklużi stejjer personali u memorja kollettiva.

Il-fażi ta’ riċerka li għaddejja bħalissa se twassal għall-pubblikazzjoni ta’ rapport ta’ riċerka, serje ta’ filmati qosra u taħdita pubblika sa nofs l-2023. Dan kollu mbagħad jintuża bħala bażi għal produzzjoni kreattiva fis-snin li ġejjin.

It-tim tar-riċerka qed jistieden lill-membri tal-komunità biex jaqsmu l-istorja jew il-memorja tagħhom tal-Isptar Navali ta’ Bighi permezz ta’ laqgħa ta’ siegħa, li se ssir fl-Esplora, il-Kalkara. Jekk persuna ma tistax tattendi personalment, qed jiġu offruti mezzi alternattivi, bħal vidjokonferenza jew telefonata.

Jekk tixtieq taqsam l-istorja tiegħek magħna, jekk jogħġbok imla din il-formola onlajn u aħna nikkuntattjawk biex nagħmlu appuntament. Grazzi!

Dan il-proġett huwa megħjun mill-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti u mill-APS Bank.


Bħalissa, m'aħniex nagħtu aktar appuntamenti, madankollu, jekk għadek interessat/a li taqsam l-istorja tiegħek, inħeġġuk biex xorta timla din il-formola onlajn. Id-dettalji tiegħek se jsiru parti minn database u aħna nikkuntattjawk aktar tard fil-futur.

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