Prospective Musicians/Artists for Thirsty Farmer Brew Works
We love featuring live music at Thirsty Farmer! If you're interested in playing at a future open date, please complete the information below.

Thirsty Farmer Brew Works
290 Cashtown Rd.
Biglerville, PA 17307

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Name *
Band/Artist Name *
What genre of music do you play/perform? *
You may list various genres or types of sets that you perform. Sometimes we have themed music nights like country, classic rock, alternative, bluegrass, 80s hits, 90s hits, "Parrot Head" nights, etc. **PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ALSO INCLUDE A SMALL DESCRIPTION THAT WE CAN USE IN FUTURE PROMOTIONAL MEDIA IF WE ARE ABLE TO BOOK YOU/YOUR BAND**
What do you typically charge ($ amount) for a 3 hour set? *
We typically book on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, both in the afternoon and evening. Do you have particular dates or times of day/week that you prefer to play? *
Phone Contact info *
Do you have any links to media or a website that we can use for publicizing your music? If so, please include them below or email press packet to 
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