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TTS - Summer Day Camp Application
Greetings parents and guardians! Thank you for your interest in participating in a truly unique summer experience for kids age 7-12 with Treehouse Trade School. This event is located at the Seneca Treehouse Project.
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Full Name
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How many children would you like to attend? There is a discount for 2 or more children.
Three or more
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Are there any allergies or food restrictions that we need to be aware of?
Bees and stinging insect allergies
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Are there any medications, physical limitations or medical conditions that we need to be aware of?
Your answer
What weeks would you like for your child or children to attend?
The Entire week of July 7th-11th, 2025
The Entire week of July 21st-25th, 2025
I would like to choose specific dates or choose a day pass
We are on a lake with a beautiful beach, can your child swim or would you prefer to not allow?
Yes, my child is a learned swimmer and can swim with supervision
No, I would prefer my child not swim, but can wade in the shallow water and play on the beach
No, I do not want my child to enter the water at any time.
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In which areas is your child or children interested in?
Bushcrafting and Wood Working
Art and Painting
Gardening and Nature
Marine Biology / Mycology
Composting and Recycling
Knot Tying Skills
Foraging and Cooking with Native Plants
Raising Chickens
Exercise and Mindfulness based Yoga
What size shirt or shirts will each of your children need? We include 2 summer camp shirts for each child to wear while attending the week long camps. Daily visitors receive a single shirt.
Child Small
Child Medium
Child Large
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Why would being accepted into this unique summer camp be important for you and your child/children?
Your answer
E-mail - You will be contacted with an approval notice and to set up a short phone interview to ask questions and register if approved by our camp team.
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Phone Number
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