Board Member Application
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Email *
Name: *
Address: *
Occupation: *
Home Phone:  (     )   *
Business Phone:  (     ) *
Please check the skills you could contribute to the board: *
On what other boards have you served: *
What charitable or community activities have you participated in? *
Brief biography, including educational background, work/volunteer experience, special interests: *
People volunteer for a variety of reasons, and it is important to WNCSource to understand why our board members volunteer so we are able to keep them engaged in a meaningful way.  Research tells us that the three primary reasons people volunteer include:  Social/Affiliation needs (I want to belong), Ego needs (I want to matter), Altruistic needs (I want to give).  No motivation is better than another, and we all may have different motivations for doing different things at different times in our lives.  Please tell us why you would like to volunteer for the WNCSource Board. *
What attracts you to one volunteer opportunity over another? *
What do you want to do once you join up? *
How would you prefer to be recognized for your contributions? *
Can you regularly attend board meetings?  Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm.  No meeting in December.  Board Attendance Requirement:  Absences must be conveyed before the Board meeting.  Attendance at 67% (4 of 6) meetings is required *
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