Join the JibblyBitz Swag Squad
Welcome to the JibblyBitz Swag Squad, where bookish dreams meet button charm magic! Are you a passionate book lover, a social media maven, and an aficionado of all things Jibbly? If so, you're in the right place! Our Swag Squad is a dynamic community of JibblyBitz enthusiasts who share our love for adding flair to the world of romance literature. As a member, you'll get exclusive access to our latest designs, connect with fellow bookworms, and be part of something truly special. Whether you're a seasoned button charm collector or just starting your JibblyBitz journey, we invite you to join us in spreading the JibblyBitz love to bookish hearts far and wide!
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Tell Us About Yourself! *
What are your top three favorite romance subgenres? (rom com, dark romance, romantasy, contemporary, etc.) *
Who are your top five favorite authors? *
What kind of content do you create? (book reviews, lifestyle content, bookish crafts, etc.) *
Are you an avid bookish event attendee? (multi-author signing events and conferences) *
If so, are you interested in representing JibblyBitz and creating content for us at these events? *
Please provide a brief explanation of your experience with affiliate programs and/or brand partnerships. *
What excites you most about our products? *
What is your favorite JibblyBitz product or design? *
Please confirm that you can meet the requirement of posting a minimum of 3 posts per month featuring JibblyBitz. *
Is there anything more you'd like to share with us? *
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