Guest Contributions
We are a zine that contains opinions. If you have an opinion, use your voice and speak.
Fill out this form if you would like to make a contribution!
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Before you fill out this form
Make sure your content is:
- respectful
- opinionated
- not harming/insulting a person, thing, or group of people

If the topic you are writing about is not approved (unlikely case) we will reach out to you and let you know why. All topics and formats will be approved by the editors.
We aim to protect the identities of the people who wish to remain anonymous, and we allow you to use a pen name or stay anonymous.

Please share a pdf format of your work. If your work is a photograph, type "photo" in the box where it says "Link to pdf" and email the photo to us at our email along with the name that you would like to be credited to on the zine. If you cannot share a pdf, reach out to our email, and we will let you know how to share the document with us.
Topic *
Email *
How would you like your name to appear as on the zine (pen name, anonymous, or your name)? *
Format of contribution *
Title of Your Contribution *
Please upload the link to your work down below.
If you are uploading a photo, please insert your caption down below.
Thank you for your contribution!
Any questions or concerns can be emailed to
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