Polity PT365 class-1 Quiz (25-Feb-2024)
[Prelims 2015] Which of the following is custodian of Indian Constitution?
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[Prelims 2008] Under which one of the following Constitution Amendment Acts, four languages were added to the list of languages under the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India, thereby raising their number to 22?
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Hindi is
1. National language of India
2. Official language of India
3. Official language of Supreme Court
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Schedule 2 of Indian Constitution mentions emoluments of which of the following?
1. President of India
2. Speaker of Lok Sabha
3. Judges of Supreme Court
4. Attorney General of India
5. Comptroller and Auditor General
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[Prelims 2020] Consider the following statements:
1. Constitution of India defines its 'basic structure' in terms of federalism, secularism, fundamental rights & democracy.
2. Constitution of India provides for 'judicial review' to safeguard the 'citizens' liberties and to preserve the ideals on which the constitution is based.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
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