Mississippi Arts Week 2024 Survey
Mississippi Arts Week will be held in Jackson, MS from Monday, February 5, 2024 through Friday, February 9th, 2024.  Everyone is welcome to participate to speak up for the arts in MS! Please fill out the short survey below to let us know how you want to engage with Arts Week! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Contact name: *
Contact number:
Contact mailing address:
MS County:  *
Contact email address: *
Do you represent an organization?
(check all that apply):
What is the name of the organization, school or nonprofit you represent? 
Are you interested in participating in MS ARTS WEEK? *
Involvement during MS ARTS WEEK 2024: 
If yes, in what capacity?
Involvement during MS ARTS WEEK 2024: 
Please use this space to elaborate on any ideas
Advocacy, Resources & Support
Arts Week helps provide an opportunity for arts advocates to show our elected leaders the importance of supporting the arts in MS. 

With this in mind, we want to offer you the trainings, resources or support you most need to advocate. Please select the trainings below that most interest you. 
Advocacy, Resources & Support:
Are there other resources that would be helpful to facilitate your involvement in Arts Week Mississippi so that you feel like it was worth your while and you were able to make the greatest impact? 
Collaboration: Are you interested in collaborating with other organizations or participants during MS ARTS WEEK 2024?
Every year Mississippi Alliance for Arts Education presents an award ceremony called the "Breakfast of Champions" to honor those in the arts in MS. Are you interested in partnering in the Breakfast of Champions?
Collaboration: Are you inserted in giving an award or nominating someone for an award?
Collaboration: Feel free to elaborate on any thoughts or ideas you may have.
Promotion and Marketing: 
Are you open to utilizing official MS ARTS WEEK promotional materials and branding in your own promotional efforts?
Promotion and Marketing: 
What are your plans or ideas to promote your involvement in MS ARTS WEEK 2024?
What would you like to share that has not already been asked? 
Thank you for your interest in MS ARTS WEEK - mark your calendars and check out our website at: https://www.supporttheartsms.com
Questions can be sent to heatherroselacoste@gmail.com
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