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Join The Eddy!
Thank you for your interest in joining the industry's own outfit owner and leader peer group! We're excited for the opportunity to grow with you. Please provide your information below and we'll connect with you shortly.
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Last Name
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Outfit Name
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Why are you interested in joining The Eddy? Select all that apply.
Nationwide network (Connecting with like-minded peers beyond your geographical area)
Knowledge share (operating insights, tips & tricks, etc)
Mentorship (learning from others' experiences, guidance, suggestions, etc)
Collaboration (Chatting about problems and brainstorming solutions)
Personal-professional growth (surrounding yourself with other growth mindset individuals)
Support (friends genuinely interested in your success, listening ears during challenges, etc)
Accountability (showing up, getting stuff done, etc)
Data share (financial, sales, metrics, etc)
Education sessions (ie the curriculum)
Hands-on initiatives (Q12, employee grading, sales incubator, etc)
Get stuff done support (team Zebulon's involvement to move things across the finish line)
Anything you'd like to share at this time?
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