BPSC faculty - Celebrate our achievements
We have the opportunity to nominate BPSC faculty for the 2022-23 Senate Awards.  The Awards Committee will meet within two weeks and we would love to receive nominations for these awards. These awards are highly competitive and often multiple submissions are needed to be successful.   We are also planning for next year's Emeritus/Emerita award. 

Please provide the committee with your suggestions and a 2-3 sentence rationale.

The Awards Committee thanks you for your engagement
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
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Distinguished Teaching Award Nomination
Distinguished Campus Service Award
Chancellor's Award of Creative and Undergraduate Achievement
Faculty Research Lecturer Award Nomination 
Distinguished Emerita-­‐Emeritus Award
Link to our emeriti faculty is here: https://plantbiology.ucr.edu/people/emeriti
Kopie vašich odpovědí bude zaslána na zadanou adresu.
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