Tell Us About Your Game
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Email *
Game Name *
Studio Name *
Contact Name *
Studio Location *
Game Genre *
Brief description of your game. *
How big is the team working on this game? *
Describe the makeup of your team. Eg. 2 programmers, 3 artists etc. *
Has your studio developed any other games before? If so, please put the links below.
At what stage is your game currently at? *
If your game is in development, how far out are you away from Early Access release? *
What is the unique selling point of your game? *
What platform(s) are you developing your game for? *
Link to demo: *
Link to pitch deck. Pitch deck should include details like high level game concept, game loop description, game modes, character designs and whatever information you think we need to know.
Link to video(s), if any.
Budget required. Tell us your funding requirements.
How many wishlists have you got on Steam? *
Name the top 2 countries where most of your wishlists come from and their percentages of the total. *
Which ones of our publishing services do you need? Tick all those relevant.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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