Glass Grown Aquatics Donation Request Form
Thank you for thinking of us for your non- profit organization or classroom!
To better serve you, please fill out the following form for us. It will help us better determine the scope of your project, and fit your needs in a more comprehensive way.

Please note that a completed form is not a guarantee of a donation.
We will reach out to your listed contact person within the week if we are able to fulfill your request!
Happy Planting!
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Organization Name *
Organization Full Physical Address: *
Organization Website/ Facebook Page: *
Organization Tax/ EIN number: (if applicable)
What services does your organization provide? *
What specific project are you requesting a donation for? *
Tell us a little bit about the aims or goals of this project: *
Estimated number or attendees/ participants: *
Project Duration Beginning: *
Project Ending On:
Which of our items are you requesting for your project?
Please also list quantities.
Organization Contact Person: *
Contact Person Phone Number or Email: *
Check here to agree to the following:
Organizations must certify that their charitable and/or educational programs and services are offered and provided to the intended beneficiaries without discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, religion, disability, medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran or military status, pregnancy, ancestry, age or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, county or local laws, regulations or ordinances. 
Check to agree to the following:
Glass Grown Aquatics cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of our donated items. I understand that I am receiving and utilizing these goods and/or services at my own risk.
Any additional information we might need to make a decision?
We at Glass Grown Aquatics will do our utmost to respond and fulfill as many donation requests as we are able to. 
Please know, however, that there will be deserving programs that will unfortunately not receive our support. 
Please continue your good work!
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