April 3, 11-11:30 am MT Edmonton

Topic: Focus for Writers
Session Description:
This interactive seminar and Q&A will teach you practical techniques
to increase your focus and systematically expand your concentration
span. Seminar also includes advice to help people with ADD or ADHD
focus effectively.

30mins seminar + 15m Q&A session (total 45mins).
Note: Time can be adjusted from 15mins total to 60mins total.


No recording or broadcast is permitted.

Gabriel Packard has lectured on focus at colleges and universities
including Yale, Princeton, Cornell, NYC, Dartmouth, U. Penn,
Wellesley, Oxford and Cambridge. He is the author of the novel The
Painted Ocean and his writing has appeared in over 100 publications
worldwide, most recently The New Yorker.

Cost: Free.   Scroll down to register.
Sign up and share this Registration Link:

How will this session be delivered?  Online.   

This is part of the Maskwacis Cultural College Online Microlearning Series and is open to the public.
Contact Manisha Khetarpal by email or call toll free: 1 866 585 3925

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This will not affect your registration! We are always looking for talented presenters and support - if you or someone you know is interested in helping out (whether by donating time, financial support, or resources) or presenting, please let me know either here or by emailing me at Thank you!
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I understand that this is free training. *
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This will not affect your registration for the training event! If you can help out, please let me know here or by email/phone.
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There will be a time at this microlearning that will allow  attendees to share new initiatives or projects at your organization within a five minute time limit. Would you like to share a new initiative on behalf of your organization?* *
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