Hall of Fame Nomination
Please complete this form and email supporting documents to Jenny Wagner (jenny.wagner@centennialbroncos.org) by Sept. 1st to be considered for Hall of Fame Award. 
All nominations should include a typed document detailing the nominee's credentials for nomination as noted in the information sheet. This document should include such information as statistics, individual and team accomplishments, academic and athletic honors, national ranking and significant accomplishments or achievements directly related to their relationship with Centennial Public School. For the team category, please list the names of all team members, coaches, and assistant coaches. 

In addition, the nomination should include other forms of supporting information such as letters of support, newspaper clippings, awards or honors received, etc. If you need any assistance in obtaining information or have any questions, please contact Jenny Wagner, Centennial AD (402) 534-2321.
อีเมล *
Category *
Nominee's Name *
Years at Centennial Public School *
Graduation Year from Centennial High School *
Nominee's Current Address (If deceased, please list name and address of spouse, child, etc.) *
Nominee's Phone *
Nominee's Email *
Nominee's Educational History (High School, College/University Attended, Degree(s) Obtained) *
Nominating Party's Name, Relationship to Centennial and/or Nominee, and Current Address, Phone Number, and Email *
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