Residential Off Campus Application
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Email *
Property location that you are applying for: *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number (with area code) *
Work Phone Number
Employment status, including occupation and/or Student Status *
Name of Current Employer *
Current Employer's Address *
Current Employer's Phone Number *
Length of Time with Current Employer *
Position with Current Employer *
Gross Monthly Income *
Name, Address and Phone Number of  Prior Employer if with Currently Employer Less Than One Year
Current Landlord *
Current Landlord Phone Number *
Current Address (Street Number, City, State, Zip Code) *
Dates at Current Rental *
How Long Have You Lived at Your Current Address? *
Immediately Previous Address (Street Number, City, State, Zip Code) *
Name of Immediately Previous Landlord *
Address and Phone Number for Immediately Previous Landlord *
In Case of Emergency Notify: *
Name of Occupants Covered by this Application (Please specify adult or child) *
Name, Address, and Phone Number of Closest Relative Not Residing with Applicant *
Nature of the Relationship to that Relative *
Move In Date Desired *
Name of Your Current Creditors, Including Charge Cards, Student Loans and Commercial Loans
If Answered Yes Above, Please explain:
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? *
If Yes, When:
Please acknowledge that you understand that the property you are applying for does not allow pets or smoking. *
THIS IS A REQUIRED PART OF THE APPLICATION PROCESS FOR ALL APPLICANTS A welcoming environment is paramount to all of our residents. To help ensure ALL of our residents understand our pet and animal-related policies, we use a third-party screening service and require EVERYONE to complete a profile (No Pet/Pet/Animal). This process ensures we have formalized pet and animal-related policy acknowledgments and more accurate records to create greater mutual accountability. Please get started by selecting a profile category on our landing page. Copy and paste the following link in another tab: *
CONDITIONS Landlord may refuse to rent to Applicant if any of the information provided herein is found to be untrue, and may terminate Applicant’s tenancy if information provided herein is found to be untrue after renting to Applicant.If landlord rents premises to Applicant, possession of the unit shall not be provided to Applicant until, in Landlord’s sole discretion, the premises are ready for occupancy. Except as provided in the lease, the Landlord shall not be liable for damages in the event the premises are not ready for occupancy on the date prescribed in the lease, and Landlord shall not be liable for damages in any event where the premises cannot be occupied on the prescribed date because of causes beyond Landlord’s control. I authorize the person to whom this application is made and any credit bureau or other investigative agency employed by such person to investigate any references herein listed or statements or other data obtained from me or from ay other source pertaining to my credit or financial responsibility. I understand that this information will be reviewed in confidence by Landlord or its representatives involved in considering rental applications. I CERTIFY ALL OF THE INFORMATION I HAVE PROVIDED IN RESPONSE TO THE QUESTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE. I FURTHER CRETIFY THAT I HAVE READ THE CONDITIONS CONTAINED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE APPLICATION FORM, THAT I UNDERSTAND THEM, AND THAT I VOLUNTARILY SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION. *
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