Course 101 Signup Form
We're excited about your interest in Course 101!

Course 101 is a 7-week course on the intellectual foundations of Christianity and a space for conversation about life, faith, the Bible, and God.

Here are just some of the topics and questions that are covered:
- What is the purpose of life?
- What is sin?
- Why doesn't God just show up?
- Who is Jesus?
- Why did He die on the Cross?
- What does it mean to be a Christian?
- and more!

Please indicate your availability for Course 101 below and one of our mentors will get reach out to you soon.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Year in School *
School *
Phone Number *
Email *
What times / days are you available?
Preferred Location: *
I would like to take Course 101... *
If you connected with someone you would like to do Course 101 with, please indicate their name:
Questions or Comments
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