Questions for and about School Workers
I am conducting research about capitalist exploitation of workers in the education industry. Please consider answering some or all of the questions. You can come back and edit/add to your responses at any time.

The questions in this survey series are adapted specifically for education workers from Karl Marx's pamphlet "A Workers' Inquiry", which was first published in La Revue Socialiste on April 20, 1880. They were originally composed as a zine, which you can access here or download a printable version from our website.

I encourage you to use these questions in the process of organizing collective power in your workplace.
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If you work in a school: Is your educational workplace part of a traditional public school district? Or do you work in a charter, private, or alternative school situation?
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If you work in a charter school: Is your school managed by a major Charter Management Organization (CMO) like KIPP? A local charter school network? Is there a site-specific school board?
Who is on the school board? What are their connections to corporations, government bodies, or potentially unaccountable foundations?
What age range/grade levels do you work with?
Who is on the district/state boards of education? Is there a separate school board overseeing charter schools? Who is on it?
Who are the institution’s donors? Does the school rely on grants to keep certain programs running?
Are their volunteers, interns, student teachers? How many? Does Teach for America have any people placed in the building?
Does your school help with purchasing supplies? Do you ever have to spend your own money on classroom supplies? If yes, how much?
How many SPED workers are in your school? Is this amount enough to effectively and caringly manage their caseloads?
How often do you, as a mandated reporter under the law, file reports in cases where you suspect child abuse or neglect? Have you ever refrained from filing because there are so many cases where you suspect abuse or neglect? Have you ever refrained because you felt Child Protective Services response would inflict further harm on the child?
If you are a substitute, classroom teacher, or another type of school worker forced to cover extra classes, are you supposed to be paid for that work? Is there a clear way of documenting the labor time you put in? Do payments actually come through?
How does your pay compare with other substitute teachers and teachers who are not substitutes?
How many classroom teachers and other instructional staff are not properly certified to work in the role they occupy?
What curriculum does your school use?
Where does the curriculum come from?
If you work in a school as a teacher, do you have control over what you teach? Is there a scripted curriculum you must follow? Autonomy without curricular support from the school? Are there differences by subject?
If there is a scripted curriculum, do teachers follow it?
How are the students fed? What companies does the school institution hire/contract with for deliveries? What schedule do they follow?
What are the policies on printing and copying? How many copy machines are there in the school? How many copies, color and greyscale, are allowed per employee? What company delivers the paper?
For front office staff: what informal expectations exist for you to maintain the staff culture within the school?
Does your school have a media center or library? Is there a school librarian employed there?
Is there a nurse or other medical professional employed in your school? Are nurses shared between school sites?
Does your school have any counselors on-site?
Do you have any suggestions for how to improve this set of surveys? I would especially appreciate any suggestions for new questions and revisions to make existing questions more inclusive.
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