Joint Statement Condemning the Intimidation of Civil Society Organisations in Hong Kong
If you have any questions, please email to: 
Deadline: Friday, 24 September 2021

(Other languages in Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Thai, French, German and Spanish are available below):

We, the undersigned organisations, strongly condemn the increasing intimidation of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Hong Kong by the authorities and pro-government media. We urge the Hong Kong SAR government to stop arresting, detaining, and prosecuting CSO activists who rightly exercise their civic and democratic rights. We also urge pro-government media to stop smearing and accusing CSOs in Hong Kong with groundless reports.

Since the introduction of the National Security Law in Hong Kong in June 2020, the world has been witnessing shrinking civic space in Hong Kong. Many pro-democratic figures have been arrested and jailed for their peaceful protests. Worse still, many Hong Kong CSOs, which contributed to making Hong Kong into one of the most diverse, open and free cities in the world, are also under intensive pressure. In the face of such pressure and intimidation, an increasing number of CSOs defending human, civic and labour rights are being forced to stop their operation. Amongst many, the Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC) has announced to disband after being falsely accused by a pro-government newspaper of channelling foreign subversion funding to Hong Kong. The AMRC is nothing but a globally respected regional labour organisation that has been working with numerous grassroots  labour organisations in Asia since 1968 to promote and advance labour rights across Asia. For all grassroots labour organisations in Asia, the end of the AMRC’s operation in Hong Kong is a great loss.

Hong Kong’s trade unions have also been attacked. The Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (HKPTU), the largest professional’s union in Hong Kong with over 90,000 members, was forced to disband in August 2021 after being accused of "poisoning the next generation" and being "cancer of the society" by a number of pro-government media within the week. Furthermore, the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union (HKCTU), the largest independent union federation in Hong Kong, has also become a major target of this smear campaign and intimidation. After many years of service for the dignity of local workers and justice for Hong Kong citizens, the HKCTU was described as the "black hand behind the 2019 anti-extradition bill movement" and a "foreign agent who sponsored the subversion actions". We are now informed that the HKCTU is likely to disband soon after months of intimidation.

All these are not only a great loss for Hong Kong workers and citizens but also significant damage to all of us in Asia who work to build democratic and independent labour movements for the welfare of ordinary workers. With this joint statement, we stand in solidarity with the AMRC to join its journey to firmer workers’ solidarity across Asia. We also stand in solidarity with the Hong Kong labour movement in their struggle for more equal and democratic Hong Kong. In particular, we stand together with the HKCTU which has been facing formidable challenges in its labour organising works in the past few years. We believe that, as a trade unionist in Hong Kong rightly remarked, trade unions and labour organisations in Hong Kong may disappear - however, workers' struggle will never. ***









문의사항은 이메일: 
서명마감: 2021년 9월 24일

홍콩 시민사회단체에 대한 위협을 규탄하는 공동성명

아래 서명한 우리 단체들은 홍콩당국과 친정부 언론이 홍콩 시민사회단체들을 점점 더  위협하는 것을 강력히 규탄한다. 우리는 홍콩 특별행정구 정부가 시민 및 민주적 권리를 정당하게 행사하는 시민사회단체활동가에 대한 체포, 구금 및 기소를 즉각 중단할 것을 촉구한다. 우리는 또한 친정부 언론이 근거 없는 보도로 홍콩의 시민사회단체를 비방하고 비난하는 일을 중단할 것을 촉구한다

2020년 6월 홍콩 국가보안법이 도입된 이후 세계는 홍콩의 시민사회공간이 축소되는 것을 목격하고 있다. 많은 민주화 운동가들이 평화적인 시위를 벌이다 체포되어 투옥되었다. 설상가상으로 홍콩을 세계에서 가장 다양하고 개방적이며 자유로운 도시 중 하나로 만드는 데 기여한 많은 홍콩의 시민사회단체들도 극심한 압박을 받고 있다. 이러한 압력과 위협에 직면하여 많은 인권, 시민권, 노동권을 옹호하는 시민사회단체들이 사실상 운영을 중단할 것을 강요받고 있다. 그중에서 아시아 모니터 리소스 센터(AMRC)는 외세의 체제전복 지원자금을 홍콩으로 흘려보내는 역할을 한다는 친정부 신문의 거짓 고발 이후 홍콩사무실의 해산을 발표했다. AMRC는 1968년 설립후 아시아 전역의 노동권을 증진하고 증진하기 위해 아시아의 수많은 풀뿌리 노동 단체와 협력해 온 세계적으로 존경받는 지역 노동 단체이다. 아시아의 모든 풀뿌리 노동 조직에게 홍콩 AMRC의 운영 종료는 큰 손실이 아닐수 없다.

홍콩 노동조합들도 공격을 받고있다. 9만 명 이상의 회원을 보유한 홍콩 최대의 전문직 노조인 홍콩전문교원노조(HKPTU)는 '많은 친정부 언론으로 부터 "차세대를 오염시키는" "사회의 암"이라는 비난을 받고 2021년 8월 해산됐다. 게다가 홍콩 최대의 독립 노동조합인 홍콩노총(HKCTU)도 이번 비방과 협박의 주요 표적이 됐다. 홍콩에서 노동자의 존엄과 시민의 정의를 위해 수년간 노력해온 HKCTU는 "2019년 송환법 반대 운동의 배후에 있는 검은 손"이자 "체제전복활동을 후원한 외세간첩"으로 묘사되었다. 우리는 이제 HKCTU가 몇 달 간의 협박 끝에 곧 해산될 것이라는 비통한 소식을 접하고 있다.

이 모든 것은 홍콩 노동자와 시민에게 큰 손실일 뿐만 아니라 일반 노동자의 복지를 위해 민주적이고 자주적인 노동 운동을 건설하는 아시아의 우리 모두에게도 큰 피해가 아닐 수없다. 이 공동 성명을 통해 우리는 AMRC와 연대하여 아시아 전역에서 더 확고한 노동자 연대를 향한 여정에 동참하고자한다. 우리는 또한 보다 평등하고 민주적인 홍콩을 위한 투쟁을 위해 홍콩 노동운동과 연대하고자 한다. 특히, 우리는 지난 몇 년 동안 노동자 조직화를 위해 일하며 어려운 도전에 직면해온 홍콩노총 HKCTU와 함께 하고자 한다. 우리는 한 홍콩의 노동조합활동가가 옳게 지적한데로 홍콩의 노동조합과 노동단체들이 사라질 수는 있을지언정 노동자들의 투쟁은 결코 사라지지 않을 것임을 믿어 의심치 않는다. ***

Jika ada pertanyaan, harap menghubungi ke email: 
Deadline: Jumat, 24 September 2021

Pernyataan Bersama Mengutuk Intimidasi Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil di Hong Kong

Kami, organisasi yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, mengutuk keras intimidasi yang meningkat terhadap organisasi masyarakat sipil di Hong Kong oleh pemerintah dan media pro-pemerintah. Kami mendesak pemerintah Hong Kong untuk berhenti menangkap, menahan, dan menuntut aktivis sipil yang menggunakan hak sipil dan demokrasi mereka dengan benar. Kami juga mendesak media pro-pemerintah untuk berhenti mencoreng dan menuduh masyarakat sipil di Hong Kong dengan laporan yang tidak berdasar.

Sejak Undang-Undang Keamanan Nasional di Hong Kong berlaku pada Juni 2020, dunia telah menyaksikan ruang sipil yang menyusut di Hong Kong. Banyak tokoh pro-demokrasi telah ditangkap dan dipenjarakan karena protes damai mereka. Parahnya, banyak kelompok sipil yang berkontribusi menjadikan Hong Kong sebagai salah satu kota paling beragam, terbuka, dan bebas di dunia, juga mendapat tekanan intensif. Menghadapi tekanan dan intimidasi itu, makin banyak kelompok sipil pembela hak asasi manusia, sipil dan buruh dipaksa untuk menghentikan operasi mereka.  Di antaranya, Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC) telah mengumumkan untuk menghentikan aktivitasnya di Hong Kong setelah mendapat tuduhan palsu oleh surat kabar pro-pemerintah terkait tuduhan penyaluran dana subversi asing ke Hong Kong. AMRC tidak lain adalah organisasi buruh regional yang dihormati secara global yang telah bekerja dengan banyak organisasi buruh akar rumput di Asia sejak 1968 untuk mempromosikan dan memajukan hak-hak buruh di seluruh Asia. Bagi semua organisasi buruh akar rumput di Asia, bubarnya AMRC di Hong Kong merupakan kerugian besar.

Serikat pekerja Hong Kong juga telah diserang. Serikat Guru Profesional Hong Kong (HKPTU), serikat profesional terbesar di Hong Kong dengan lebih dari 90.000 anggota, terpaksa dibubarkan pada Agustus 2021 setelah dituduh "meracuni generasi berikutnya" dan menjadi "kanker masyarakat" oleh  sejumlah media pro-pemerintah dalam seminggu.  Selain itu, Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Hong Kong (HKCTU), federasi serikat pekerja independen terbesar di Hong Kong, juga menjadi target utama kampanye hitam dan intimidasi ini. Setelah bertahun-tahun melayani martabat pekerja lokal dan keadilan bagi warga Hong Kong, HKCTU digambarkan sebagai "tangan hitam di balik gerakan anti-RUU ekstradisi 2019" dan "agen asing yang mensponsori tindakan subversi". Kami sekarang mendapat kabar bahwa HKCTU kemungkinan akan bubar segera setelah serangan dan intimidasi berbulan-bulan.

Semua ini bukan hanya menjadi kehilangan besar bagi pekerja dan warga Hong Kong, tetapi juga kerusakan signifikan bagi kita semua di Asia yang bekerja untuk membangun gerakan buruh yang demokratis dan independen untuk kesejahteraan pekerja biasa. Dengan pernyataan bersama ini, kami berdiri dalam solidaritas dengan AMRC untuk bergabung dalam perjalanannya menuju solidaritas pekerja yang lebih kuat di seluruh Asia.Kami juga berdiri dalam solidaritas dengan gerakan buruh Hong Kong dalam perjuangan mereka untuk Hong Kong yang lebih setara dan demokratis. Secara khusus, kami berdiri bersama dengan HKCTU yang telah menghadapi tantangan berat dalam pekerjaan pengorganisasian buruh dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Kami percaya bahwa, seperti yang dikatakan dengan tepat oleh seorang aktivis serikat buruh di Hong Kong, serikat pekerja dan organisasi buruh di Hong Kong dapat hilang - namun, perjuangan pekerja tidak akan pernah lenyap. ***

หากท่านมีคำถาม โปรดอีเมล์ไปยัง
หมดเขตวันศุกร์ที่ 24 กันยายน 2564


เรา ซึ่งเป็นองค์กรที่ลงนามด้านล่าง ขอประณามการข่มขู่คุกคามองค์กรภาคประชาสังคม (CSO) ในฮ่องกงที่ทวีความรุนแรงขึ้นจากรัฐบาลฮ่องกงและสื่อที่สนับสนุนรัฐบาล เราขอเรียกร้องให้รัฐบาลฮ่องกงหยุดจับกุม คุมขังและดำเนินคดีกับนักเคลื่อนไหวภาคประชาสังคมที่ใช้สิทธิพลเมืองและประชาธิปไตยอย่างถูกต้อง และเราเรียกร้องให้สื่อที่สนับสนุนรัฐบาลหยุดการละเลงป้ายสีกล่าวหาองค์กรภาคประชาสังคมในฮ่องกงที่รายงานข่าวอย่างไม่มีมูลความจริง

นับตั้งแต่การบังคับใช้กฎหมายความมั่นคงแห่งชาติในฮ่องกงในเดือนมิถุนายน 2563 โลกได้เห็นการหดตัวของพื้นที่การแสดงออกของพลเมืองในฮ่องกง นักเคลื่อนไหวสนับสนุนประชาธิปไตยหลายคนถูกจับกุมและจำคุกจากการประท้วงอย่างสันติที่ผ่านมา ที่แย่ไปกว่านั้นองค์กรภาคประชาสังคมของฮ่องกงจำนวนมาก ซึ่งมีส่วนทำให้ฮ่องกงกลายเป็นเมืองที่มีความหลากหลาย เปิดกว้าง และเสรีมากที่สุดแห่งหนึ่งของโลก ถูกกดดันอย่างหนักเช่นกัน พวกเขาเผชิญกับแรงกดดันและการข่มขู่จากสื่อและรัฐบาลดังกล่าว ทำให้องค์กรภาคประชาสังคมจำนวนมากที่ปกป้องสิทธิมนุษยชนและสิทธิแรงงานถูกบังคับให้หยุดดำเนินกิจกรรม เช่น ศูนย์ทรัพยากรตรวจสอบแห่งเอเชีย หรือ Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC) ได้ประกาศยุบองค์กรหลังจากถูกหนังสือพิมพ์ที่สนับสนุนรัฐบาลกล่าวหาอย่างผิดๆ ว่าได้รับทุนสนับสนุนจากต่างประเทศเพื่อมาบ่อนทำลายฮ่องกง แต่ AMRC เป็นเพียงองค์กรแรงงานระดับภูมิภาคที่ได้รับการยอมรับทั่วโลก ทำงานร่วมกับองค์กรแรงงานระดับรากหญ้าในเอเชียเป็นจำนวนมากมาตั้งแต่ปี 2511 เพื่อส่งเสริมและพัฒนาสิทธิแรงงานในภูมิภาคเอเชีย ฉะนั้้น สำหรับองค์กรแรงงานระดับรากหญ้าทั้งหมดในเอเชีย การสิ้นสุดการดำเนินงานของ AMRC ในฮ่องกงนี้ถือเป็นการสูญเสียครั้งใหญ่

สหภาพแรงงานของฮ่องกงก็ถูกโจมตีเช่นกัน เช่น สหภาพแรงงานครูวิชาชีพแห่งฮ่องกง (HKPTU) ซึ่งเป็นสหภาพแรงงานวิชาชีพที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในฮ่องกงที่มีสมาชิกกว่า 90,000 คน ถูกบังคับให้ยุบสลายองค์กรเมื่อเดือนสิงหาคม 2564 หลังจากถูกกล่าวหาว่า "วางยาพิษคนรุ่นใหม่" และเป็น "มะเร็งของสังคม" โดยพวกสื่อสนับสนุนรัฐบาล นอกจากนี้ สมาพันธ์แรงงานแห่งฮ่องกง (HKCTU) ซึ่งเป็นสหพันธ์แรงงานอิสระที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในฮ่องกง ตกเป็นเป้าหมายหลักของการข่มขู่คุกคาม หลังจากทำงานส่งเสริมสิทธิแรงงานในท้องถิ่นและความยุติธรรมให้แก่พลเมืองฮ่องกงเป็นเวลาหลายปี HKCTU ถูกมองว่าเป็น "มือดำที่อยู่เบื้องหลังขบวนการต่อต้านร่างกฎหมายส่งผู้ร้ายข้ามแดนปี 2562" และถูกมองว่าเป็น "ตัวแทนต่างชาติที่สนับสนุนการโจมตีรัฐบาล" ขณะนี้เราได้รับแจ้งว่า HKCTU มีแนวโน้มที่จะยุบองค์กรในไม่ช้าหลังจากถูกข่มขู่มาเป็นเวลาหลายเดือน

สิ่งเหล่านี้ไม่ได้เป็นเพียงการสูญเสียครั้งใหญ่ต่อแรงงานและพลเมืองฮ่องกงเท่านั้น แต่ยังสร้างความเสียหายอย่างมีนัยสำคัญต่อพวกเราทุกคนในเอเชียที่สร้างขบวนการแรงงานที่เป็นประชาธิปไตยและเป็นอิสระ และสร้างสวัสดิการให้แก่คนทำงาน จากแถลงการณ์ร่วมฉบับนี้ เราขอยืนหยัดเป็นน้ำหนึ่งใจเดียวกันกับ AMRC และกับขบวนการแรงงานฮ่องกงในการต่อสู้เพื่อความเท่าเทียมและประชาธิปไตยในฮ่องกงมากขึ้น โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง เราขอยืนเคียงข้างสมาพันธ์แรงงานฮ่องกง ซึ่งเผชิญกับความท้าทายอันน่ากลัวในการทำงานจัดตั้งแรงงานในช่วงไม่กี่ปีที่ผ่านมา เราเชื่อเช่นเดียวกับที่นักสหภาพแรงงานในฮ่องกงได้กล่าวไว้คือ สหภาพแรงงานและองค์กรแรงงานในฮ่องกงอาจหายไป แต่การต่อสู้ของแรงงานจะไม่มีวันสูญสลาย.


Déclaration commune condamnant l'intimidation des organisations de la société civile de Hong Kong

Les organisations soussignées, condamnent fermement l'intimidation croissante des organisations de la société civile de Hong Kong, par les autorités et les médias pro-gouvernementaux. Nous demandons instamment au gouvernement de la Région autonome de Hong Kong de cesser d'arrêter, de détenir et de poursuivre les des organisations qui exercent à juste titre leurs droits civiques et démocratiques. Nous demandons également aux médias pro-gouvernementaux de cesser de salir et d'accuser les organisations de la société civile de Hong Kong avec des articles sans fondements.

Depuis l'introduction de la loi sur la sécurité nationale à Hong Kong en juin 2020, le monde a été témoin du rétrécissement de l'espace civique à Hong Kong.
- De nombreuses personnes pro-démocratie ont été arrêtées et emprisonnées pour leurs protestations pacifiques.
- Pire encore, de nombreuses organisations hongkongaises, qui ont contribué à faire de Hong Kong l'une des villes comportant le plus de diversité, les plus ouvertes et les plus libres du monde, sont également soumises à une pression intense.

Face à ces pressions et intimidations, un nombre croissant d'organisations défendant les droits humais, les droits civiques et les droits du travail sont contraintes de cesser leurs activités. Parmi elles, Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC) a annoncé sa décision de se dissoudre après avoir été faussement accusé par un journal pro-gouvernemental de faire transiter par Hong Kong des fonds étrangers destinés à des activités subversives. AMRC n'est en réalité qu'une organisation du monde du travail, respectée dans le monde entier. Elle travaille depuis 1968 avec de nombreuses organisations syndicales de base en Asie pour promouvoir et faire progresser les droits des salarié.es dans l'ensemble de l'Asie. Pour toutes les organisations syndicales de base en Asie, la fin des activités d'AMRC à Hong Kong est une grande perte.

Les syndicats de Hong Kong sont également attaqués :
 - Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (HKPTU), le plus grand syndicat professionnel de Hong Kong, comptant plus de 90 000 membres, a été contraint de se dissoudre en août 2021 après avoir été accusé par un certain nombre de médias pro-gouvernementaux, d'"empoisonner la nouvelle génération" et d'être un "cancer de la société" ;
 - De plus, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union (HKCTU), la plus grande centrale syndicale indépendante de Hong Kong, est également devenue une cible majeure de cette campagne de dénigrement et d'intimidation.
Après de nombreuses années au service de la dignité des salarié.es et de la justice pour les citoyen-nes de Hong Kong, HKCTU a été décrite comme la "force occulte se tenant derrière le mouvement de 2019 contre le projet de loi sur l'extradition" et un "agent étranger ayant sponsorisé des actes de subversion".
Nous avons été récemment informés que HKCTU était susceptible de se dissoudre bientôt, après avoir subi des mois d'intimidation.

Tout cela constitue non seulement une grande perte pour les travailleurs/euses et les citoyen.nes de Hong Kong, mais aussi un préjudice important pour nous tous et toutes en Asie qui travaillons à la construction de mouvements syndicaux démocratiques et indépendants pour le bien-être des travailleurs/euses ordinaires.
Avec cette déclaration commune, nous nous déclarons solidaires d'AMRC qui part vers un autre lieu dans le but de renforcer la solidarité des travailleurs/euses dans l'ensemble de l'Asie. Nous sommes également solidaires du mouvement ouvrier de Hong Kong dans sa lutte pour un Hong Kong plus égalitaire et démocratique. Nous sommes en particulier solidaires de la centrale syndicale HKCTU qui a été confrontée à de formidables défis dans son travail d'organisation des salarié.es au cours des dernières années. Nous pensons que, comme l'a fait remarquer à juste titre un syndicaliste de Hong Kong, les syndicats et les organisations ouvrières de Hong Kong peuvent disparaître, mais la lutte des travailleurs ne disparaîtra jamais. ***


Gemeinsame Erklärung zur Verurteilung der Einschüchterungen von Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft in Hongkong

Wir, die unterzeichnenden Organisationen, verurteilen aufs Schärfste die zunehmenden Einschüchterungen zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen (ZGO) in Hongkong durch die Behörden und regierungsnahe Medien. Wir fordern die Regierung der Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong nachdrücklich auf, die Verhaftung, Inhaftierung und strafrechtliche Verfolgung von ZGO-Aktivisten einzustellen, die ihre bürgerlichen und demokratischen Rechte angemessen ausüben. Wir fordern auch regierungsnahe Medien auf, damit aufzuhören, ZGOs in Hongkong mit grundlosen Berichten zu verleumden und zu beschuldigen.

Seit der Einführung des Nationalen Sicherheitsgesetzes in Hongkong im Juni 2020 erlebt die Welt in Hongkong einen schrumpfenden bürgerlichen Aktionsraum. Viele prodemokratische Persönlichkeiten wurden wegen ihrer friedlichen Proteste festgenommen und inhaftiert. Schlimmer noch, viele Hongkonger ZGOs, die dazu beigetragen haben, Hongkong zu einer der vielfältigsten, offenen und freien Städte der Welt zu machen, stehen ebenfalls unter starkem Druck. Angesichts dieses Drucks und dieser Einschüchterungen sehen sich immer mehr zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen, die Menschen-, Bürger- und Arbeitnehmerrechte verteidigen, gezwungen, ihre Tätigkeit einzustellen. Unter anderem hat das Asia Monitor Resource Center (AMRC) angekündigt, ihr Büro in Hongkong aufzulösen, nachdem es von einer regierungsnahen Zeitung fälschlicherweise beschuldigt wurde, ausländische Gelder zu subversiven Zwecken nach Hongkong zu leiten. Das AMRC ist nichts anderes als eine weltweit angesehene regionale Arbeitsorganisation, die seit 1968 mit zahlreichen Basisarbeitsorganisationen in Asien zusammenarbeitet, um Arbeitnehmerrechte in ganz Asien zu fördern und voranzutreiben. Für alle Basisarbeitsorganisationen in Asien ist das Ende der AMRC-Operation in Hongkong ein großer Verlust.

Auch Hongkongs Gewerkschaften wurden angegriffen. Die Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (HKPTU), die mit über 90.000 Mitgliedern größte Berufsgewerkschaft in Hongkong, musste sich im August 2021 auflösen, nachdem sie von einigen der regierungsnahen Medien innerhalb einer Woche beschuldigt wurde, "die nächste Generation zu vergiften" und "Krebsgeschwür der Gesellschaft" zu sein. Darüber hinaus ist auch die Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union (HKCTU), der größte unabhängige Gewerkschaftsbund in Hongkong, zu einem Hauptziel dieser Hetzkampagne und Einschüchterung geworden. Nach vielen Jahren des Dienstes für die Würde der lokalen Arbeiter und Gerechtigkeit für die Bürger Hongkongs wurde die HKCTU als „schwarze Hand hinter der Anti-Auslieferungsgesetz-Bewegung von 2019“ und als „ausländischer Agent, der die Subversionsaktionen gesponsert hat“ beschrieben. Wir haben davon erfahren, dass sich die HKCTU nach Monaten der Einschüchterung wahrscheinlich bald selbst auflösen wird.

All dies ist nicht nur ein großer Verlust für die Arbeiter und Bürger Hongkongs, sondern auch ein erheblicher Schaden für uns alle in Asien, die wir uns für den Aufbau demokratischer und unabhängiger Arbeiterbewegungen zum Wohle der einfachen Arbeiter einsetzen. Mit dieser gemeinsamen Erklärung stehen wir solidarisch mit dem AMRC und schließen uns seinen Bestrebungen für stärkere Arbeitersolidarität in ganz Asien an. Wir stehen auch in Solidarität mit der Arbeiterbewegung Hongkongs in ihrem Kampf für ein gerechteres und demokratischeres Hongkong. Insbesondere stehen wir mit der HKCTU zusammen, die in den letzten Jahren in ihrer  Arbeit vor gewaltigen Herausforderungen stand. Wir glauben, wie ein Gewerkschafter in Hongkong zu Recht bemerkte, dass Gewerkschaften und Arbeiterorganisationen in Hongkong verschwinden können – der Kampf der Arbeiter jedoch nie.***

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Fecha límite: Viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2021

Declaración conjunta de condena a la intimidación de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en Hong Kong

Nosotros, las organizaciones abajo firmantes, condenamos enérgicamente la creciente intimidación de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) en Hong Kong por parte de las autoridades y los medios de comunicación progubernamentales. Instamos al gobierno de la RAE de Hong Kong a que deje de arrestar, detener y procesar a los activistas de las OSC que ejercen legítimamente sus derechos cívicos y democráticos. También instamos a los medios de comunicación progubernamentales a que dejen de desprestigiar y acusar a las OSC de Hong Kong con informes infundados.

Desde la introducción de la Ley de Seguridad Nacional en Hong Kong en junio de 2020, el mundo ha sido testigo de la reducción del espacio cívico en Hong Kong. Muchas figuras pro-democráticas han sido detenidas y encarceladas por sus protestas pacíficas. Y lo que es peor, muchas OSC de Hong Kong, que han contribuido a hacer de Hong Kong una de las ciudades más diversas, abiertas y libres del mundo, también están sometidas a una intensa presión. Ante estas presiones e intimidaciones, un número cada vez mayor de OSC que defienden los derechos humanos, cívicos y laborales se ven obligadas a interrumpir su actividad. Entre otras, el Asia Monitor Resource Centre (Centro de Recursos de Monitoreo de Asia - AMRC) ha anunciado su disolución tras ser acusado falsamente por un periódico progubernamental de canalizar fondos extranjeros para la subversión hacia Hong Kong. El AMRC no es más que una organización laboral regional respetada en todo el mundo que lleva trabajando con numerosas organizaciones laborales de base en Asia desde 1968 para promover y hacer avanzar los derechos laborales en toda Asia. Para todas las organizaciones laborales de base de Asia, el fin de la actividad del AMRC en Hong Kong es una gran pérdida.

Los sindicatos de Hong Kong también han sido atacados. El Sindicato de Profesores Profesionales de Hong Kong (HKPTU), el mayor sindicato de profesionales de Hong Kong, con más de 90.000 miembros, se vio obligado a disolverse en agosto de 2021 tras ser acusado de "envenenar a la próxima generación" y de ser un "cáncer de la sociedad" por varios medios de comunicación progubernamentales durante la semana. Además, la Confederación de Sindicatos de Hong Kong (HKCTU), la mayor federación sindical independiente de Hong Kong, también se ha convertido en el principal objetivo de esta campaña de desprestigio e intimidación. Tras muchos años de servicio en favor de la dignidad de los trabajadores locales y de la justicia para los ciudadanos de Hong Kong, la HKCTU fue calificada como la "mano negra detrás del movimiento contra el proyecto de ley de extradición de 2019" y como un "agente extranjero que patrocinó las acciones de subversión". Ahora se nos informa de que es probable que la HKCTU se disuelva pronto tras meses de intimidación.

Todo esto no sólo es una gran pérdida para los trabajadores y ciudadanos de Hong Kong, sino también un daño significativo para todos nosotros en Asia que trabajamos para construir movimientos laborales democráticos e independientes para el bienestar de los trabajadores ordinarios. Con esta declaración conjunta, nos solidarizamos con el AMRC para unirnos a su camino hacia una solidaridad obrera más firme en toda Asia. También nos solidarizamos con el movimiento obrero de Hong Kong en su lucha por un Hong Kong más igualitario y democrático. En particular, nos solidarizamos con el HKCTU, que se ha enfrentado a formidables desafíos en su labor de organización laboral en los últimos años. Creemos que, como señaló acertadamente un sindicalista de Hong Kong, los sindicatos y las organizaciones laborales de Hong Kong pueden desaparecer, pero la lucha de los trabajadores nunca lo hará. ***

List of Endorsing Organisations:

1.  Asian Transnational Corporations (ATNC) Monitoring Network – Regional
2.  Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA) - Regional
3.  Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL) – Cambodia
4.  Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR) – Philippines
5.  Center For Workers Education (CWE) – India
6.  Committee for Asian Women (CAW), Regional
7.  Environics Trust – India
8.  Federasi Persatuan Buruh Indonesia/Federation of Indonesian Workers’ Unity (FPBI) - Indonesia
9.  Gabungan Serikat Buruh Indonesia/Centre of Indonesian Labour Struggle (GSBI) – Indonesia
10.  Indonesia Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI) – Indonesia
11.  Indonesian Migrant Workers Union, East Nusa Tenggara (SBMI NTT), Indonesia
12.  Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development (IOSHAD) – Philippines
13.  Kesatuan Perjuangan Rakyat/Association of People Struggle (KPR) – Indonesia
14.  Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) – Philippines
15.  Konfederasi Persatuan Buruh Indonesia/Confederation for United Workers – Indonesia
16.  Konfederasi Serikat Nasional/National Union Confederation  (KSN) - Indonesia
17.  Korean House for International Solidarity (KHIS) – South Korea
18.  Labor Education and Research Network (LEARN) - Philippines
19.  Labor Rights Defenders Network (LARD-Net) – Philippines
20.  Labour Education Foundation (LEF) – Pakistan
21.  Labour Law Reform Coalition (LLRC) – Malaysia
22.  Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane/Sedane Labour Resource Centre (LIPS) – Indonesia
23.  North South Initiative (NSI) – Malaysia
24.  Pakistani Christian Refugee Fellowship (PCRF) – Malaysia
25.  Persatuan Sahabat Wanita, Selangor (Friends of Women Organisation, Selangor) – Malaysia
26.  Printing and Media Workers Union (PPMI), Bekasi – Indonesia
27.  Sajogyo Insitute – Indonesia
28.  Sarawak Bank Employees Union – Malaysia
29.  Serve the People Association, Taoyuan (SPA) – Taiwan
30.  Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) – Malaysia
31.  Socialist Workers Thailand (SWT) – Thailand
32.  Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy – Malaysia
33.  Textile Garments Workers Federation (TGWF) – Bangladesh
34.  Workers Assistance Center, Inc. (WAC) – Philippines
35.  Workers’ Initiative, Kolkata – India
36.  ACT4DEM - Europe
37.  Independent Trade Union Federation (INTUFE) – Cambodia
38.  Cambodian Tourism Workers Union Federation (CTWUF) – Cambodia
39.  Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (EILER) – Philippines
40.  Perempuan Mahardhika - Indonesia
41.  台灣人權促進會 (Taiwan Association for Human Rights) – Taiwan
42.  Dr. Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation - Taiwan
43.  Bandung Legal Aid (YLBHI-LBH Bandung) - Indonesia
44.  Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF), France
45.   National Domestic Workers' Union (NDWU) - Taiwan
46.   Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee - Pakistan
47.   National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, Sri Lanka
48.   Confederation of Independent Unions in the Public Sector – Philippines
49.   HomeNet - Pakistan
50.   Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (Solidarity of Filipino Workers/BMP) - Philippines
51.   Bangladesh Garment & Industrial Workers Federation (BGIWF) - Bangladesh
52.   Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity (BCWS) - Bangladesh
53.   Coalition Free Trade Union of Women Textile (CFTUWT) - Cambodia
54.   NAGKAISA Labor Coalition - Philippines
55.   Indian Social Action Forum - India
56.   All Pakistan Trade Union Federation - Pakistan
57.   Association of the New School for Democracy - Taiwan
58.   People's Initiative for Development Alternatives (PIDA) - South Korea
59.   Migrant Workers Right to Redress Coalition - Malaysia
60.   Vietnamese Migrant Workers and Immigrants Office - Taiwan
61.   Platform.C - South Korea
62.   Just Economy and Labor Institute (JELI), Thailand
63.   Factory Workers Association Taiwan (FWAT) - Taiwan
64.   Textile  Power-loom and Garment Worker Federation (TPGWF)- Pakistan
65.   Humanity Research Consultancy (HRC) - United Kingdom
66.   노동당 Labor Party (한국) - South Korea
67.   Kaohsiung NGO Employees' Union - Taiwan
68.   Transnational Palm Oil Labour Solidarity - Regional
69.   생활협동조합 한살림 강원영동 (Hansalim Gangwon-Yeongdong) - South Korea
70.   Korean Disability Forum - South Korea
71.   Changhwa Telecom Workers' Union Kaohsiung Branch Union
72.   Korean Public Service and Transport Workers’ Union - South Korea
73.   Building and Wood Workers International Asia Pacific - Regional
74.   燦爛時光東南亞主題書店 (Brilliant Time Bookstore). Taiwan
75.   이윤보다인간을 (People Not Profit) - South Korea
76.   高雄市獨立總工會 (Kaohsiung Independent Federation of Union) - Taiwan
77.   ชมรมคนดนตรีแห่งประเทศไทย /สหภาพคนทำงาน (Musicians Club)- Thailand
78.   KingKongLab - South Korea
79.   Pinag isang tinig at lakas ng anak pawis (PIGLAS) - Philippines
80.   Peace Activist
81.   Federation of Transport and Seaport Union (FBTPI) - Indonesia
82.   한국노총 (Federation of Korean Trade Unions) - South Korea
83.   Center for freedom of Information
84.   International Solidarity Group in Justice Party - South Korea
85.   Confederation of Taipei Trade Unions (CTTU) - Taiwan
86.   Cornell Society for the Promotion of East Asian Liberty (SPEAL) - United States of America
87.   Victorian Socialists - Australia
88.   Socialist Alternative - Australia
89.   Freedom from Debt Coalition - Philippines
90.   Vietnamese Migrant Workers and Immigrants Office - Vietnam
91.   Humanity Research Consultancy - United Kingdom
92.   People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) - South Korea
93.   Hong Kong Aid - Hong Kong
94.   Taiwan Hong Kong Association - Taiwan
95.   중랑민중의집 사람과공감 (People & Commune) - South Korea
96.   Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM) - Philippines
97.   Confederation of Indonesia People Movement (KPRI) - Indonesia
98.   Workers' Union (สหภาพคนทำงาน) - Thailand
99.   Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE foundation) - Bangladesh
100. Yokohama Action Research - Japan
101. Socialist Alliance - Australia
102. 台灣國際勞工協會(Taiwan International Workers Association, TIWA) - Taiwan
103. Taiwan International Student Movement - Taiwan
104. Network for Glocal Activism - South Korea
105. POWER-SENTRO - Philippines
106. 台灣維新 (Taiwan Renewal Party) - Taiwan
107. Indonesia Unity Labour Federation (Federasi Serikat Buruh Persatuan Indonesia) - Indonesia
108. 臺灣熱吵民主協會 (Taiwan reach-out association for democracy) - Taiwan
109. Fair Action - Sweden
110. Campagna Abiti Puliti - Italy
111. Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum - Pakistan
112. 정의당 - South Korea
113. Forum Arbeitswelten / Forum Worlds of Labour - Germany
114. Solidaritas Perempuan - Indonesia
115. Labour Behind the Label - United Kingdom
116. 전국농민회총연맹 Korean Peasants’ League (KPL) - South Korea
117. 국가폭력에 저항하는 아시아 공동행동 Asian Companions Against Brutality - South Korea
118. 우리들의 상호부조, 말랑키즘 (Our Mutual Aid, Malangchism) - South Korea
119. GoodElectronics - Global
120. Economic Rights Institute - China
121. Social Initiatives for People Health (SAFETY) - Indonesia
122. Women's Centre - Sri Lanka
123. Asian Lay Leaders Forum - Philippines
124. 서울녹색당 Green Party Seoul - South Korea
125. Sungkonghoe University - South Korea
126. BEBESEA (Better Engagement Between East and Southeast Asia) - Indonesia
127. KCCTU - Taiwan
128. TCTU - Taiwan
129. Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU, 전국민주노동조합총연맹)- South Korea
130. Partido Manggagawa (Labor Party-Philippines) - Philippines
131. Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA - Australia
132. Hong Kong Aid (United Kingdom) - United Kingdom
133. Workers Education and Research Organization - Pakistan
134. Crispin B Beltran Resource Center, inc. - Philippines
135. Environment Support Group - India
136. University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies Program on Alternative Development (UP CIDS AltDev) - Philippines
137. 대한민국 - South Korea
138. urgewald e.V. - Germany
139. Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network - United States
140. Workers Hub For Change (WH4C) - Regional
141. Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture (MADPET) - Malaysia
142. China Inquiry Commission - France
143. Hesperian Health Guides - United States
144. NaZemi - Czech
145. FEMNET e.V. - Germany
146. Fédération générale du travail de Belgique (FGTB-ABVV) - Belgium
147. Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT) - France
148. International Campaign for Responsible Technology (ICRT) - United States
149. Texas Campaign for the Environment - United States
150. International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles - Global
151. Union syndicale Solidaires - France
152. Basel Action Network - United States
153. Public Services International, Asia Pacific - Regional
154. Reality of Aid, Asia Pacific - Regional
155. SETEM Catalunya - Spain
156. MAP Foundation - Thailand
157. Jun Hyung Lee (Sinchon Cultural Politics Research Group) - South Korea
158. INSP!R Asia - Indonesia
159. Mineral Inheritors Rights Association - India
160. Goliathwatch - Germany
161. CNCD-11.11.11 - Belgium
162. Gender Alliance for Development Center - Albania
163. 노동자가 한명이라도있다면 당연,노조는 있는것이 맞다.노조탄압말라!!! - South Korea
164. Korean Transnatoonal Corporations Watch (KTNC Watch) - South Korea
165. Südwind - Austria
166. UK Hazards Campaign - United Kingdom
167. Greater Manchester Hazards Centre - United Kingdom
168. Garment and Textile Trade Union Federation (FSB Garteks) - Indonesia
169. Tenaganita Women's Force - Malaysia
170. Watch Indonesia! Für Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Umwelt in Indonesien und Osttimor e.V. - Germany
171. WEED e.V. - Germany
172. SÜDWIND e.V. - Germany
173. SÜDWIND-Institut - Germany
178. Jeunes FGTB  - Belgium
179.  Clean Clothes Campaign - Global
180. Assert Socio Economic Initiatives Network (ASCENT) - Philippines
181. Unyon ng mga Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (UMA) - Philippines
182. FGTB Centrale Générale - Belgium
183. Asociatia Mai bine - România
184. Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) Global Union - Switzerland
185. Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) Asia Pacific - Regional
186. Lausan 流傘 Collective
187. Uganda Textile, Garment, Leather and Allied Workers Union (UTGLAWU) - Uganda
188. Comité pour la Liberté à Hong-Kong - France
189. Africa Hong Kong France (AHKF) - France
190. Maquila Solidarity Network - Canada
191. Internationalism from Below (IfB) - United States
192. FOS - Belgium
193. Comité de Libération des Prisonniers Politiques  (CL2P) - France
194. Tambisan sa Sining - Philippines
195. Japan Occupational Safety and Health Resource Center (JOSHRC) - Japan
196. Asian Ban Ban Asbestos Network (ABAN) - Japan
197. Action Labour Rights - Myanmar
198. 台灣職業安全健康連線 (Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Link) - Taiwan
199. Cambodian Institute for Democracy (CID) - Cambodia
200. The Ceylon Mercantile Industrial and General Workers Union (CMU) - Sri Lanka
201. Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of Nagaworld - Cambodia
202. Center for Women's Resources - Philippines
203. Center for Environmental Concerns - Philippines
204. United Federation of Labour - Sri Lanka
204. Commercial & Industrial Workers Union - Sri Lanka
205. JALA PRT  (Indonesia National Network for Domestic Workers Advocacy) - Indonesia
206. Kalyanamitra - Indonesia
207. Viet Labor Movement - Australia
208. Institute of Womens Empowerment (IWE) - Indonesia
209. Federasi SPPI SARBUMUSI - Indonesia
230. Down Syndrome Care Foundation (YAPESDI) - Indonesia
231. Xnet - Spain
232. Federación SETEM - Spain
233. Cum Ratione GmbH - Germany
234. BPO Industry Employees Network (BIEN) - Philippines
235. SOLIDAR - Belgium
236. 3WF Hannover - Forum für eine Andere Welt - Germany
237. 영등포산업선교회 (YDPUIM) - South Korea
238. 권리찾기유니온 - South Korea
239. Justice Party - South Korea
240. Progressive 3.0 - South Korea
241. Campaña Ropa Limpia - Spain
242. SUD protection sociale 93 -France
243. Association d'Assistance au Niger - France
244. Comité de Libération des Prisonniers Politiques (CL2P ) - France
245. Declaration of Global Citizens (세계시민선언) - South Korea
246. Justice Is Global - United States of America
247. Association des Jeunes Vietnamiens de Paris - France
248. Viet Tan - Vietnam
249. Le Club des Taïwanais - France
250. Woori Theology Institute - South Korea
251. Cosmopolitan Culture Action Taichung- Taiwan
252. 천주교정의구현전국연합 (Korean Catholic Federation for Justice) - South Korea
253. Fronteras Comunes - México
254. 臺北市紀錄片從業人員職業工會 - Taiwan
255. SOLIFONDS - Switzerland
256. 台灣勞工陣線 – Taiwan
257. Art Activism Hanppyeom (예술행동 한뼘) - South Korea
258. 다른세상을향한연대 Solidarity for Another World - South Korea
259. Supporters Group for Migrant Workers Movement – South Korea
260. achACT asbl - Belgium
261. UNISON - United Kingdom
262. Hong Kong Affairs Association of Berkeley - United States
263. MINBYUN - Lawyers for a Democratic Society - South Korea
264. Befria Hongkong  - Sweden
265. Hong Kong Committee in Norway – Norway
266. 사회적파업연대기금 (Solidarity Fund for Social Strikes SFSS) - South Korea
267. Taiwan Not-For-Profit Organization Industrial Union - Taiwan
268. 台灣永社 Taiwan Forever Association, TFA Taiwan
269. United General Employees Union - Sri Lanka
270. People's Solidarity for Social Progress - South Korea
271. 中台灣公民行動陣線 - Taiwan
272. Human Rights Movement Space 'Hwal' - South Korea
273. Labour Movement Solidarity with Hong Kong - United Kingdom
274. Students For Hong Kong - Global
275. HK_Connecy_UK – United Kingdom
276. Syndicat SUD Protection Sociale de l'Oise – France
277. Netherlands for Hong Kong – Netherlands  
278. McMaster Stands with Hong Kong – Canada
279. Ontario Hong Kong Youth Action (OHKYA) – Canada
280. Torontonian HongKongers Action Group - Canada
281. CNE - Belgium
282. University and College Union – United Kingdom
283. Trade union UNIA – Switzerland
284. Women's Centre - Sri Lanka
285. Jeunes CSC (Confédération des Syndicats Chrétiens) - Belgium
286. Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers Democratic Union (C-CAWDU) - Cambodia

Individual signatories:
1.     이경원  - South Korea
2.     Lee Hee-tae (전국금속노동조합) - South Korea
3.     Kim Dong Yoon - South Korea
4.     Tae Jin KIM - South Korea
5.     이민호 - South Korea
6.     陳翰堂 - Taiwan
7.     정성철 - South Korea
8.     Teresa Chi Lee - Taiwan
9.     박재형 - South Korea
10.   박수영 Suyoung park - South Korea
11.   Sunin Lee - South Korea
12.   Kyong Im Ko - South Korea
13.   최성수 - South Korea
14.   鄧宇佑 - Taiwan
15.   Joo Hyoung Ji (Kyungnam University) - South Korea
16.   Injae Song (Hallym University ) - South Korea
17.   Joy Hernandez - Philippines
18.   Gaphee Ko (Network for Glocal Activism) - South Korea
19.   葉佳威 - Taiwan
20.   박수영 Suyoung Park - South Korea
21.   Tsai Ming-Han (Coalition of Taiwan Civil Service Reform Drivers) - Taiwan
22.   Jae Hoon, Yi (the Hankyoreh newspaper) - South Korea
23.   楊時睿 Atlas Yang - Taiwan
24.   민현종 - South Korea
25.   심승우 Seung Woo Shim - South Korea
26.   Kyung-gyu Yang (Korean Public Service and Transport Workers' Union) - South Korea
27.   翁立思 - Taiwan
28.   Ha Nam Suk (University of Seoul) - South Korea
29.   김창선 (서울도시가스) - South Korea
30.   윤형신 - South Korea
31.   이재혁 - South Korea
32.   Carole Crabbé - Belgium
33.   Shinkyu Lim - South Korea
34.   NIL (Sungkonghoe University) - South Korea
35.   최이완 (정의당) - South Korea
36.   Tim Pringle - United Kingdom
37.   최처섭 - South Korea
38.   Fathimah Fildzah Izzati - Indonesia
39.   김태후 (정의당) - South Korea
40.   김영수 (공공연맹) - South Korea
41.   김용화 (전국금속노동조합) - South Korea
42.   정지훈 - South Korea
43.   Fahmi Panimbang - Indonesia
44.   Seo Dongjin (Kaywon University of Art and Design) - South Korea
45.   성상민 SUNG Sangmin (Platform C - Hanbit Media Labor Human-rights Center) - South Korea
46.   문성욱 - South Korea
47.   김태윤 - South Korea
48.   백승욱 - South Korea
49.   Seo - South Korea
50.   Bae Ilhoon (Korea Teachers &. Education Worker's Union) - South Korea
51.   JS Park (Korean Metal Workers' Union) - South Korea
52.   최현숙 (홈리스행동) - South Korea
53.   Wing-Kwong Wong (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)
54.   최현숙 (홈리스행동) - South Korea
55    강길모 (현대정치철학연구회) - South Korea
56.   Gopalan-Krishnan Papachan - Malaysia
57.   KIM INSUN - South Korea
58.   Hong Kong Aid - United Kingdom
59.   Joohee Kim (Duksung Women’s University) - South Korea
60.   Lawrence Surendra - India
61.   Tae-Won Jin (Sungkonghoe University) - South Korea
62.   Thinzar Shunlei Yi (Action Committee for Democracy Development) - Myanmar
63.   He Yihan - China
65.   Leo Saldanha (Environment Support Group) - India
66.   Sohyeon Jun - South Korea
67.   김정우 (시민건강연구소) - South Korea
68.   Geoffrey Pleyers (Catholic University of Louvain) - Belgium
69.   Dr. Paul Joseph Lim - Belgium
70.   Sukla Sen - India
71.   배현수 (정의당) - South Korea
72.   권영은 (반올림SHARPS) - South Korea
73.   Garrett Brown - United States
74.   Dr. Oliver Pye (University of Bonn) - Germany
75.   Alain Denizo - France
76.   이영란 - South Korea
77.   진세영 - South Korea
78.   Patrick Mulchrone (Democratic Socialists of America) - United States
79.   Christine Höbermann - Germany
80.   Dae-oup Chang (Sogang University) - South Korea
81.   Anna Lazorová (NaZemi) - Czech
82.   Hyojeong WI (Université Paris-Nanterre)
83.   Sylvain Goldstein (Confédération Générale du Travail-CGT) - France
84.   Michael Robin - United States
85.   Amanda Hawes (ICRT) - United States
86.   Xun-ling Au - United Kingdom
87.   Sangseup Lee - South Korea
88.   Peter Olney - United States
89.   Chul Shin (KPTU) - South Korea
90.   허영관 (정의당) - South Korea
91.   허영구 (탄압을 중단하라!) - South Korea
92.   Justice Is Global - United States
93.   신동호 (전국철도노동조합) - South Korea
94.   Anita Chan (NTEU) - Australia
95.   Lam Tao Chiu - Hong Kong
96.   최연택 (전국공공연구노조) - South Korea
97.   Eo Yongsun (Korea Labour Party) - South Korea
98.   Professor Jonathan Unger (Australian National University) - Australia
99.   신운 (정의당) - South Korea
100. 최혁규 (문화사회연구소) - South Korea
101. Han Hee Jeong - South Korea
102. 심은희
103. Hojoon Kim
104. 양준석 (울산노동자배움터) - South Korea
105. Francis Tan - Malaysia
106. 이산 Yi San (정의당 Justice Party) - South Korea
107. 陳建曄 (台灣公務革新力量聯盟) - Taiwan
108. Paul Jobin (Academia Sinica) - Taiwan
109. Sun-chul Kim (Extinction Rebellion Korea) - South Korea
110. 정혜원 (전국금속노동조합 (Korean Metal Workers' Union, KMWU-KCTU) - South Korea
111. Su-Chang Jeong - South Korea
112. Jagdish Patel - India
113. Mandy Felicia (EILER) - Philippines
114. 김한올 Han-ol, Kim (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Justice Party) - South Korea
115. Risca Dwi - Thailand
116. Esmeralda Hoxha - Albania
117. Sven Hansen (taz) - Germany
118. Yoon Sebyong (Kongju National Univ.) - South Korea
119. Stephane Enjalran - France
120. Sabine Ferenschild (SÜDWIND-Institut) - Germany
121. Ulrike Lohr - Germany
122. Gabriel Solis - United States
123. Eva-Maria Reinwald - Germany
124. Cristina Căpitănița - Romania
125. Rosa Grabe (FEMNET) - Germany
126. Irene Knoke - Germany
127. Houshang Sepehr (SSTI) - France
128. Ellen Hertz (University of Neuchâtel) - Switzerland
129. Cindy Berman (Ethical Public Procurement Alliance) - United Kingdom
130. Christine Prießner (Mobile Bildung e.V.) - Germany
131. Jang Un Kim (Han Sung University) - South Korea
132. Dominique Muller - United Kingdom
133. Yu-chun Kan - Taiwan
134. Dr. Ulrike Dufner - Germany
135. Yvan Schulz (SWISSAID) - Switzerland
136. Susanne Wycisk (GEW) - Germany
137. 장영배 Youngbae Chang (KUPRP/KPTU) - South Korea
138. 김현구 - South Korea
139. Kang Yeon Bae (Korean Health and Medical Workers' Union) - South Korea
140. Simona Sawhney - India
141. Dr Jiska Gojowczyk - Germany
142. Anca Elena Gheorghică - România
143. Jihun Seo (정의당) - South Korea
144. Jin Kiyoung - South Korea
145. Dorothy Wigmore - Canada
146. Anna Neubauer - United States
147. Matthew Anderson (Social Medicine Journal) - United States
148. Luciole Sauviat (ver.di) - Germany
149. Kenneth Yeung (Université de Paris) - France
150. Lam KL - Hong Kong
151. 최강섭 CHOI GANGSUP (국민연금지부 National Pension Service) - South Korea
152. Dan La Botz (New Politics journal) - United States
153. Betty Szudy - United States
154. Brigitte Demeure - France
155. Stephen R Shalom - United States
156. Craig Slatin - United States
157. Hsiao-Wen Chen (Spa &Youth Labor Union) - Taiwan
158. Jo Tanierla - Philippines
159. Steve Early (CWA/NewsGuild) - United States
160. Chan Ramy (YRDP) - Cambodia
161. Dian Septi Trisnanti (FSBPI) - Indonesia
162. Lili Nirwansa (Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Muslim Indonesia) - Indonesia
163. LeeKyung Jin (Korean Union of Public Sector Research and Professional Workers/KUPRP) - South Korea
164. Gabriele Koehler - Germany
165. Lee Sang-yoon (KCTU Seoul Regional Council) - South Korea
166. Dewi Tjakrawinata (Down Syndrome Care Foundation) - Indonesia
167. Alfian Al-ayubby Pelu - Indonesia
168. Hyojeong Chai - South Korea
169. Thomas Trueten (IG Metall) - Germany
170. Inoue Reiko (PARCIC) -  Japan
171. Ted Smith (International Campaign for Responsible Technology) - United States
172. C.Y. Lui - Hong Kong
173. 김동규 - South Korea
174. Luz Stella Mora Ayala - Spain
175. Dror Warschawski - France
176. 강은빈 Eun Bin Kang (Youth Climate Emergency Action) - South Korea
177. Ki Young Kim (희망연대노동조합 방송스태프지부) - South Korea
178. Yasmin Melet - France
179. Dohoon Kwon (Korean Confederation of Trade Union/KCTU) - South Korea
180. 김계월 (아시아나케이오지부) - South Korea
181. 기노진 - South Korea
182. Kim Hyun-pin (PlatformC) - South Korea
183. Oksun Lee (Justice Party) - South Korea
184. Eunhee Seo - South Korea
185. Lau Kin Man - United Kingdom
186. Jeong ok Kong (Korea Institute of Labor Safety and Health) - South Korea
187. 김선  (홍콩정부는 홍콩시민사회단체의 활동을 보장하라) - South Korea
188. 장윤미 (Yunmi Jang) - South Korea
189. Lala Peñaranda (Trade Unions for Energy Democracy) - Colombia
190. Pyeon Miju (한림대의료원지부) - South Korea
191. Seung Jae Oh (Justice Party) - South Korea
192. 한재각 (기후정의포럼) - South Korea
193. Mylene Cabalona (BPO Industry Employees Network) - Philippines
194. 陳育青 - Taiwan
195. 박도형 (Declaration of Global Citizens (세계시민선언) - South Korea
196. 조은혜 (Extinction Rebellion Korea, Guardians of Climate) - South Korea
197. Lim Hye Jin - South Korea
198. Didier Epsztajn (Entre les Lignes Entre les Mots) - France
199. Lee Kong San - France
200. Fisch Michel (UNIRS SOLIDAIRES 13) - France
201. Kwang-Il You (KUPRP 전국공공연구노동조합) - South Korea
202. Fabienne Engo (Présidente, Africa Hong Kong France) - France
203. Joël Engo (Président, Comité de Libération des Prisonniers Politiques) - France
204. Lee Kyungok (민주노총 서울본부) - South Korea
205. Lucie Lambert - France
206. Thierry TINTONI-MERKLEN (Union Syndicale Solidaires) - France
207. 김영태 – South Korea
208. Janet Ho - Hong Kong
209.  I-Chun Huang - Taiwan
210.  Eunseok (Art Activism Hanppyeom) - South Korea
211. Jung Youngsup (Supporters Group for Migrant Workers Movement) - South Korea  
212. Son Inseo (Korea University) - South Korea
213. 이정찬 (정의당/Justice Party) - South Korea
214. Wol-san Liem (KPTU/ITF) - South Korea
215. Kyung-geun Roh - South Korea
216. Michael Cappelli - United States
217. Jeong Sang Cheon (노동당) - South Korea
218  Kim Donghee - South Korea
219. Jung Han Kim (金廷翰), 現代政治哲學硏究會 (현대정치철학연구회) - South Korea
220. 賴建興 (上班族) -  Taiwan
221. Andi Cipta Asmawaty - Thailand
222. Ju-Yeun Lee (Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University) - South Korea
223. No Ki-weon - South Korea
224. Tae Gue Lee (Community for Korean Political Science) - South Korea
225. Lee kwang wook - South Korea
226. Afiqah Y – Singapore
227. 洪崇晏 (台灣永社 Taiwan Forever Association/TFA) - Taiwan
228. Julie Ward (Various anti-racist civil society organisations) – United Kingdom
229. 許文烽 - Taiwan
230. Catta YuHsuan CHOU - Taiwan
231. Nick - Hong Kong
232. Kyan Ng - Hong Kong
233. Victor Lee - Hong Kong
234. Cédric Favre (Syndicat SUD Protection Sociale de l'Oise) – France
235. Mick – Hong Kong
236. 홍우열 (행동하는 성소수자 인권위원회) – South Korea
237. Alain Baron (Union syndicale Solidaires) - France
238. 이재현 – South Korea
239. Gilles SERT (Union Syndicale Solidaires) - France
240. 신재현 (정의당/Justice Party) – South Korea
241. Chung  - Hong Kong
242. Mícheál Madden (Democratic Socialists of America, International Committee) - United States
243. Keiko Lin - Taiwan
244. Chan Ka Wai - Hong Kong
245. Wei Yu Ling (Taiwan Railway Trade Union) Taiwan  
246. Vicky Blake (President, University and College Union) – United Kingdom  
247. Becky Fung – France
248. Stefan Modro - Thailand
249. 김웅기 - South Korea

Updated on 30 Sept 2021, 08.00 (+7 GMT)
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