DC Next Application Form
DC Next is a collaborative fan fiction platform, where all stories take place in one continuity. On this platform we intend to share ideas, cross over our stories and build a world together.

In our universe, Jon Kent is Superman, Cassandra Cain is Batman, Artemis is Wonder Woman, Starfire is the Green Lantern of Sector 2814, and there are many more such differences. Here, the Justice League as you would typically know them died in 2018, and a new host of heroes have risen up to take their place.

We're dedicated to keeping this project go on for as long as possible, so if you apply, we want to know that you're intending to stick around for a bit, not vanish after a few months. We do have deadlines and expect people to meet them unless a reasonable communication has been made for why you can't. We're only human after all.

We are accepting applications for all characters not currently being written! To help you out we have listed just some of the characters available below:
Note: An asterisk (*) denotes that a character has had no prior appearances in our continuity.

- Koriand'r (Starfire) / Green Lantern
- John Stewart / Golden Lantern
- Guy Gardner / Golden Lantern
- Stephanie Brown
- Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle
- Linda Danvers / Supergirl
- M'gann M'orzz / Miss Martian
- Oliver Queen / Green Arrow
- Dinah Lance / Black Canary
- Billy Batson / Captain Marvel / Shazam
- Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein / Firestorm
- Zatanna Zatara
- Scott Free / Mister Miracle
- Kaldur'ahm / Aqualad
- Garth / Tempest
- Jessica Cruz / Green Lantern*
- Virgil Hawkins / Static*
- Jason Blood / Etrigan*
- Boston Brand / Deadman*
- Connor Hawke / Green Arrow*

And many more!

If you haven't already, make sure to check out our stories on our subreddit and join our Discord if you have any questions or just fancy hanging out.
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Reddit username *
What DC stories do you enjoy and why? *
This can include comics, movies, TV, whatever. Try to give us one or two examples.
What character or story would you like to write with us? *
Feel free to give as many examples as you like.
Why would you like to write this character/story? *
Please link us to an example/some examples of your previous writing? *
If you do not provide an example of your writing, we cannot consider you.
Would producing one issue (around 2-5k words) per month be achievable for you? *
Select other to explain if this isn't an easily answerable question.
What timezone do you live in?
We have writers in various timezones so this is just out of interest. Feel free to not answer this question, it isn't required.
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