YMCA Fitness Course Enrolment Form
To enable YMCA Qualifications to register a learner for a qualification, each learner must complete and return this form to enrol.  

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Email *
Course Venue *
Course   *
Course Start Date (as advertised on Triton Training Website) *
First Name *
Middle Name
Surname *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Ethnicity Codes *
Specific Learning Difficulty (Please check any boxes that apply) *
Disability Codes (Please check any boxes that apply) *
What can we do to help you overcome any barriers associated with any disability/learning difficulty you have? *
Street Address (inc door/flat number) *
Town *
County *
Postcode *
Learner Email (person taking the course) *
Phone number *
T-shirt Size *
Where did you hear about this course? *
Course Prerequisites: *
Course Timetable & Attendance: Are you able to commit to the full course attendance dates/times? *
Coursework & Practical Assessment: *
Recognised Prior Learning: Do you hold any qualifications that may make you eligible for RPL? *
Technology Barriers: Do you have access to a laptop/tablet to attend live online learning and complete any theory work? *
Educational Barriers: Did you come across any barriers whilst at school or college that you feel will influence you completing this training programme? *
Personal Barriers: Is there anything that might prevent you from completing this training programme? (e.g.: family engagement, Communication, Confidence…) *
Legal Barriers: Do you have any non-protected, spent or unspent convictions, cautions, warnings or reprimands? *
Legal Barriers: If you answered 'Yes' to the above are you happy to discuss with your tutor? *
Please tick any of the below that apply: * *
Advice, Policies & Guidance: All of our policies can be found on the ‘About us’ page of our website www.Tritontraining.co.uk. Please click below to confirm that you understand where to locate these policies and will abide by the requirements set out within all policies. * *
Photography Consent: *
Leaving Site Consent for 16 & 17 year olds: *
Data protection and privacy. YMCA will use your personal data solely for the purpose of registration and certification for the selected qualification. I understand that by submitting this form, I am consenting to the processing of my personal data. Some of the information you supply will be used by Skills Funding Agency to fulfil its statutory functions, issue/verify your Unique Learner Number (ULN) and update/check your Personal Learning Record. Further information can be found at www.learningrecordsservice.org.uk/privacynotice. By agreeing below, you are confirming that you have read and understood the contents of this registration form and that the information you have provided is accurate. If you are under 18 years of age, your parent/guardian must agree below. * *
Notes: Please use this space to add any additional information

Please read this: Learner Agreement and tick below to agree to the statements in the document

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