Facility Request Form
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Email *
Fully Complete 
  • The CPC staff will process the application form and upon approval of the request, will schedule the activity. 
  • CPC will contact you to advise of status (approved/not) of your request. An estimated usage fee will also be given. 
Contact Information: 
List the person who will oversee the event. 
Name *
Organization (if applicable)
Phone (List 2)  (Home, work, cell) *
Email *
Use Status *
Purpose of Event (required): Please be specific *
Date of event *
Number of people expected to attend
Event times  (Please include Arrival (set-up) time, Event Start time, Event End time, and Departure (AFTER Clean-Up) *
FACILITY NEEDS: Mark which room(s) that you are requesting *
If you selected Classroom, please specify: 
Kitchen *Kitchen equipment requires a trained coordinator approved by CPC. 
Clear selection
If using caterer please list company and phone #
GENERAL: Select one:  *
EQUIPMENT NEEDS: Mark all requested:
Clear selection
How many of each do you need?  
If you selected Tables/Chairs, please indicate SET-UP:
Please also indicate TEAR-DOWN:
Clear selection
If you selected Other, please specify
TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT  (trained CPC staff fee applies)
Microphone(s), Sound System, Video Projection: Describe your needs and any special requests: 
I have read the CPC Facility Use Policies & Fees document for use of this facility, and I agree to abide by it if granted use.  *
Initials:  *
Organizational users are required required to have a minimum liability occurrence limit of $1,000,000 and must provide CPC with a certificate of insurance seven days prior to date as outlined in Facilities Use Agreement if granted use of CPC. Please provide name of insurance carrier:  
Member users are required to take full responsibility for their group, any injuries that may occur and pay for any damages to the CPC facility if granted use of CPC. 
Member users initials: 
* Note: CPC activities supersede use of the building over outside organizations. 
By signing your name to the facilities request form, you assume ALL responsibility for all damage(s) to the facility and equipment during the scheduled event if approved. You also assume responsibility for enforcing code of conduct as outlined in the CPC Facility Use Policies & Fees document. 
Signature of Responsible Party:  *
Today's Date: *
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