LHS Parent Survey 2020
Please answer each question as completely as possible. If you are unsure, please provide the best answer you can based on your level of knowledge. Using the following scale (1) Strongly Disagree to (5) Strongly Agree indicate your level of agreement with the statement.
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I have regular contact with Louisville High School.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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I have talked with school personnel within the last month.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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I would enjoy serving as a mentor to a student.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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I feel that school attendance is important to my child’s education.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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My child is always on time for school.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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My child has a good relationship with his/her teacher.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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I feel welcomed in my child’s school.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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I usually check with my child’s teachers about once a month to see how he/she is doing.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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I can depend on my child’s teacher to let me know how he/she is doing.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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I often help my student with homework assignments.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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I agree with the way my child is treated at school.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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I often attend school functions.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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The messages that I receive from the school by phone are helpful and informative.
Strongly Disagee
Strongly Agree
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