BSMS Needs Assessment 6th 2019
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
First Name *
Last Name *
Homeroom Teacher *
I feel good about my life *
I am able to handle stressful situations *
Most of the time I am happy at school *
I have friends at school *
I feel sad or depressed a lot of the time *
I am happy with my school work and grades *
I get along with my family *
I have a hard time controlling my anger *
I plan on graduating from high school *
Last year the school I attended was *
One unique or special thing about me is *
I received food assistance or back pack buddies in Elementary School.
Auswahl löschen
I have a relative who was incarcerated (in jail or prison).
Auswahl löschen
If you have a relative who was incarcerated what is their relationship to you? (Mom, dad, step dad, step mom, uncle, brother, etc)
If you have a relative who is incarcerated is there anything you want to tell me?
The best part of my summer was *
The worst part of my summer was *
Right now, my plans after I graduate high school are *
Please select any group or activity that you might be interested in *
Have there been any changes in your life over the last few months? *
Is there anything you need for me to know? *
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Granville County Public School System erstellt. Missbrauch melden