Budget Request | Pre-Briefing
Hey! Thank you very much for contacting me, it means that we can possibly work together on your project. For that to happen, I need you to answer this form as it will help me to keep everything organized around here and to formulate a budget especially for you. Therefore, I ask you to answer the questions very carefully.

But do not worry, as soon as I receive your answers, I will analyze them all calmly and will contact you immediately through the medium you choose to have a more detailed and close conversation. These steps will help me understand a little more about you, your needs and what you expect from this project.

Let's go to the questions ?! Now it's up to you!
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Email *
Name. *
Age. *
City State *
Telephone number (with area code). *
Do you prefer that we talk via: *
Company Name. If you don't already have one, leave it blank.
Are you aware that I do not offer the Naming service (name creation, availability check and registration request)? *
If the previous answer was YES, I would like indications from professionals who do these jobs: *
Does your company operate in a specific niche? If so, which one? *
What does your company do? What services or products do you sell? *
What social media and / or company website? *
How big is the company? *
How many partners does the company have? *
Will this be a project created in partnership with all partners, actively participating in all processes? *
If so, you are aware that everyone must participate in decisions, approvals and meetings. Right?
Clear selection
What do you aim for with your company? *
What are your company's strengths? *
Is there already a Logo and / or Visual Identity? Are we talking about a Rebranding? *
What you need? *
We are talking about a project: *
What materials are essential to compose the visual identity? *
For printed materials, consider creating layouts only. The printing of them will be your responsibility with the suppliers you choose.
In the case of some types of parts, I need to know the quantity of them. Could you describe it below? In case you still don't know, we can talk about it later. *
You need a brand manual: *
Are you aware that the addition or exchange of parts after the budget is sent will need to be readjusted or adapted? *
Why the need to create (or recreate) a brand / visual identity? *
Why do you believe I am the right person for your project? *
Where did you find me? *
What investment is available for the project? *
Is the project urgent? *
If the project is urgent, specify how long it should be ready.
If the budget is approved, do you find it interesting to hold a video call meeting to apply the briefing, so that I can better understand your project? *
Forgot something important? Would you like to add? *
Thank you!
If you have failed to answer a question, please try to answer it. All the questions contained here are extremely important for me to know the complexity of the project, as well as to formulate an essential budget proposal.

I'll get in touch as soon as possible, and we'll see you soon! I hope to be the right designer for you and contribute to your company, creating the ideal project for her.

If you have any questions, send an email to: ferrmatheus@outlook.com or if you want to know more about my work, visit: behance.net/ferrmatheus
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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