Product Survey for Oil Spill PPE
Product Survey for the development of proper PPE concerning the cleanups of Oil Spills, and the health risks involved.
Are you concerned about the issues surrounding oil spills? *
Have you been personally in contact with oil spills because.. *
Do you think the issues regarding PPE are far more important than other issues concerning oil spills such as water pollution and marine life?   *
Have you had any health problems that resulted from an oil cleanup? *
Do you think current cleaning procedures for oil spills are effective? *
Do you think that drones or robots could be a viable alternative for oil spill cleanup procedures if implemented and designed wisely? *
 When it comes to responding to a disastrous event such as oil spills, do you think the time it takes to apply  proper PPE should be minimal? *
Would you rather take full-body of protection for example a hazmat suit or separate parts of equipment like nitrile gloves and face shields? *
 Would you rather purchase a cheap disposable  set of equipment, or a decently priced reusable product? *
In your opinion, do you believe that the market needs PPE specifically for oil spill cleanups? *
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