BOMSA Trauma & Orthopaedic National Mentorship Scheme 2024 - Mentee Recruitment Form 
Thank you for your interest in joining the BOMSA mentorship scheme as a mentee.

About the scheme
With orthopaedic exposure in medical schools across the country being highly varied, many students have limited exposure to the field and struggle to find orthopaedic surgeons who can guide their learning and career aspirations. Through our mentorship scheme, we aim to pair enthusiastic medical students with orthopaedic surgeons who are keen to support and encourage them, to increase exposure, opportunities and outreach in orthopaedics.

As a mentee, you will have the opportunity to learn from the expertise and invaluable insights provided by mentors, to further your growth and professional development.

Who we are looking for?
• Medical students in any year group across UK medical schools (including intercalating and foundation year students)
• Those who are enthusiastic about furthering their personal and professional development

What we require from you?
• Commitment to the scheme for a minimum of 2 years.
• Meetings with your mentor at least once every 2 months (6 times a year) either online or face-to-face.
• Active engagement with the scheme, through setting goals for self improvement and utilising the opportunities, advice and resources offered by mentors.

Why get involved with the scheme?
• Receive guidance from experts in the field who are enthusiastic to support, encourage and motivate you through your medical school career towards current future goals.
• Gain valuable insights and knowledge from mentors beyond what is taught in medical school.
• Expand your professional network and connect with other like minded people.
• Develop your portfolio as well as your practical, communication and leadership skills.

The deadline to submit this form is 23:59 Sunday 12th May 2024.

If you have any questions about the mentorship scheme, please get in touch with us via Twitter / Instagram (@BOMSA_UK) or email us at 
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Full name *
Email *
BOMSA Region (if you are unsure which BOMSA region your medical school is part of, please visit the BOMSA UK website *
Which medical school do you attend?  *
If 'other' was selected above, please specify 
Current year of medical school  *
If 'other' was selected above, please specify 

Please state your suitability to participate in this mentorship scheme, including motivations to participate and any previous experiences. 


Please rank in order of preference what you would most like to gain from this mentorship scheme *
General mentorship and advice
Theatre and placement shadowing
Applications and career progress
First preference
Second preference
Third preference
Fourth preference
Fifth preference
If 'other' was selected above, please specify
Do you have any experience with mentorship/having a mentor?  *
If answered 'yes' above, please specify

If selected, do you agree to participate in the mentorship scheme for a minimum of 2 years? (Please note if you are currently in your final year of medical school, you may continue with your mentor as a foundation doctor until the 2 years are finished) 

Do you have a preference for a male or female mentor? *
Do you have a preference for a mentor in paediatric orthopaedics?  *

Please state any other important information you would like to include in this form

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