I International Congress on Song Dubbing and Translation for Musical Theatre

Fees / Tarifas

Attendants / Participantes - 25€

Students / Estudiantes - 5€

Payment method / Método de pago

1. Bank transfer / Transferencia bancaria: ES24 2100 2127 1402 0036 5240 (LA CAIXA)

SWIFT: CAIX ES BB XXX / Account name: Asociación Veofocos

2. Paypal: doblaje@saunders.es

You must send the receipt by email to doblaje@saunders.es. If you have paid the student fee, you must attach a document proving your student status.

Deberá enviar el resguardo por correo electrónico a doblaje@saunders.es. Si ha abonado la tarifa de estudiante, deberá adjuntar un documento que acredite su condición de estudiante. 

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Name: *
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To register, please choose one of these options: *
University Professor: *
Student: *
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