Support Request for ICOTS11 Presenters from Developing Countries
Dear colleagues:

IASE is providing some funds to support IASE members from developing countries who are presenting a paper or a poster at the upcoming ICOTS11, the premiere statistics education event, September 10-16, 2022, in Rosario Argentina.

If you are (a) presenting a paper or a poster at ICOTS11; (b) from any South American country or from a World Bank-listed developing country (see; (c) are a CURRENT MEMBER of IASE or ISI; and (d) are in need of financial support to enable your attendance at ICOTS11; you are eligible to apply for support.

There are limited funds available, hence partial funding will be allocated rather than full funding. We expect to provide UP TO 100 US$ (95 Euros) to delegates and UP TO 50 US$ (45 Euros) to teachers and students. There might be funding available in organizations in your own country, such as from Official Statistics offices or Statistics Associations or other government organizations. If you need a letter of support to apply for such funds, please send an email to and outline what needs to be included in such a supporting letter.

APPLY BEFORE 7 July 2022. Results are expected by 15 July 2022.

Ayse Bilgin
President, IASE

(This form was updated on 24 June 2022.)
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