Otresimo se stresa - prijava

Pod stresom sem, ker sem tako prekleto pod stresom! đŸ˜”â€

Ć e dobro, da pride Kaja StrniĆĄa iz BRST psihologije!

Imela bo čudovito delavnico o tem, kako se spoprijeti s stresom. PridruĆŸite se nam 29. maja ob 18.00 v MC in se od zdaj naprej počutite bolj sproơčeno.

Ć olo za ĆŸivljenje in Queer solidarity with asylum seekers zdruĆŸujemo na dogodku, ki bo koristil vsakomur.

Dogodek je namenjen prosilcem za azil in beguncem, ki so v Sloveniji, ter LGBTIQ+ skupnosti iz Slovenije in naĆĄim zaveznikom.

Se vidimo kmalu!


I’m stressed about being so damn stressed! đŸ˜”â€

Good thing we have Kaja StrniĆĄa from BRST psihologija in the building!

She will have a wonderful workshop about how to handle stress. Join us on the 29th at 18.00 at MC to feel more relaxed from now on.

We’re joining Ć ola za ĆŸivljenje and Queer solidarity with asylum seekers for an event everybody can benefit from.

The event is meant for asylum seekers and refugees who are in Slovenia and the LGBTIQ+ community from Slovenia and our allies

See you soon!

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