Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (2020 Summer)
Mindfulness- based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a therapy developed for depression relapse prevention. It has been promoted to the general public in recent years. The course is about cultivating awareness and concentration in our daily life, enhancing our self-understanding, such as where our emotional reactions stem from, in order to take better care of ourselves. It can also cultivate our self-compassion which can alleviate stress from work, close relationships and chronic pain.

People under chronic stress
People facing family stress, who wish to change interpersonal relationships
People with mood disturbances, anxiety or sleep problems
People who wish to learn different ways to take care of themselves
Professionals who want to be trained and become a Mindfulness Trainer in the future

Beatrice Ng-Kessler
Registered Clinical Psychologist

Master of Social Science (Clinical Psychology), The University of Hong Kong
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society
One-year Foundation course of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Teacher Training, co-organized by The Oxford Mindfulness Centre and Hong Kong Centre of Mindfulness
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Facilitation Certificate (Advance Level) The Centre of Mindfulness Studies, Canada
MYMind Advance Teacher Training (Mindfulness Teacher Training for children with ADHD and Autism and their parents) by University of Amsterdam
Mindful Parenting Advance Teacher Training Certificate, by University of Amsterdam
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer, (organized by CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training and Mayfly Training)

Class Schedule:
8 Consecutive Wednesday Evening, 7 - 9 pm
29/4, 6/5, 13/5, 20/5, 27/5, 3/6, 10/6, 17/6
Full day class: 31/5 (10am to 4pm)

Free Introduction Class:
22/4 7-8pm

Zoom class

It's a requirement for the participants to join in from a quiet and private background settings. All participants are required to join the free introduction class to decide if MBCT is suitable for them.

NOTE: If you find it unsuitable RIGHT AFTER the free introduction class, immediate refund is possible. Otherwise, no refund will be granted AFTER the free introduction class.

HKD$4300  (Early Bird price: Payment made on or before 29 Mar 2020 will be $4000)

Late applicants will be put in a waiting list. Fee includes all audio-recordings, notes and classes.  
Maximum number of participants: 10.

Beatrice 9198 7264,

Payment Methods:

Bank transfers, cash deposits, cheque deposits:
Hang Seng Bank – # 769 171901 883 (Mindfully)
– please provide copy of receipts to

FPS: 9175688
-- Please send the screen cap to 9198 7264 after payment made

Send in the form below, make payment by one of the method above. We will contact you shortly.

***If you have recently (within the past year) experienced significant trauma or psychiatric illness, or if you are currently experiencing acute emotional distress such as serious depression or anxiety, please contact the instructor directly before application.

Log masuk ke Google untuk menyimpan kemajuan anda. Ketahui lebih lanjut
Name *
Gender *
Telephone contact *
Email *
Any long-term illness, physically or mentally? *
If yes, please state details:
If you are receiving treatment from Psychiatrist, Psychologist or Therapist, would you give us consent to contact them as necessary? *
Anything I wish to let my instructor aware of?
My expectations for the course: *
Urgent contact person *
Urgent contact person's number *
If you have participated in MBCT or MBSR before, kindly stated below
Kosongkan pilihan
If you have participated in MBCT/MBSR before, kindly stated the year and the instructor's name below
How do you know about this course ? *
Did you ever have any addiction issues stated below? *
If yes, please state the period of time you have such addiction.
Did you have ever attempted suicide before? *
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