2020-21 HOSA State Officer Visit Request
Please fill out the form below to request a visit from member/members of the TN HOSA Executive Council. Visits in the 1st semester will be virtual. Once received, officers, officer coach or state advisor will reach out to schedule a visit. Due to the challenges of this semester, virtual visits will be up to one hour long. If you have any questions, please reach out to Christina.Isong@tn.gov
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Advisor Name *
Advisor Email *
Advisor Cell Phone *
Chapter Name *
Which officer would you like to visit your chapter? *
Please choose the best day of the week for an officer to visit with your chapter. *
Which topics would you like the officer to discuss with your members? *
Are you able to use Zoom with your chapter? *
What date and time would you prefer your meeting to be? This is not guaranteed, but it does help us both out! A two week notice is preferred! *
Additional comments or requests *
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