/r/GirlGamers Mod Application
Please describe why we should choose you to be a /r/GirlGamers Mod!

Subreddit moderators are responsible for ensuring that users follow the rules, handling issues and disciplinary actions both publicly and privately as needed, and generally keeping an eye on the subreddit to maintain our inclusive, woman-focused space. We ask that you think carefully about the time and energy you have available to commit - our day-to-day moderation needs are *usually* relatively light, but we do need people who can be present and pay attention on a regular basis.

Future opportunities may arise for subreddit moderators to join the GirlGamers Discord mod team (and vice versa) if they wish. The two platforms are run by the same set of admins, but each have their own distinct rules and expectations; this round of applications is *only for mod positions on the subreddit* at this time.
What is your reddit username? *
Are you a member of the GirlGamers Discord? If so, what is your discord username? (If you are not currently a member and you are selected as a mod, you will need to join us on Discord as we do most of our behind-the-scenes work there.)
What time zone are you in? *
What is your availability to moderate? (Generally speaking, just so we have an idea - we understand that life comes first!) *
Do you use new reddit or old reddit for your browsing? *
Do you have experience with the mod addon Toolbox for Reddit? *
Do you have any moderator experience?  If yes, please explain in detail. *
What qualities and/or skills do you have that you believe would benefit this subreddit? *
What new ideas do you have for the subreddit? *
In your opinion, what makes a good moderator? *
Free Space: Tell us a little about yourself, if you'd like! This isn't required, but it helps us get to know you.
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