Note-Taking is a key academic skill that allows you to record important information. At university level, the amount of information that is shared with you can be enormous. It is essential to develop a system that will allow you to record that information in a manner you can easily access and retrieve from.  

Effective Note-Taking is a time-saving tool that can produce study aids that will help with revision at the end of the semester. Fostering good note-taking skills will allow you to become an active and effective reader helping you to analyse, reflect and question the material as you go. You might like to explore different note-taking styles, or, if the prospect of note taking makes you nervous, come and join us in the Skills Centre for our Note taking session.

In the session, the tutors will explore the Cornell note-taking system and mind mapping. Often students find that it is the amalgamation of note-taking styles that lead to their most effective note-taking system.

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*UG is under-graduate *PG is post-graduate *Part-time course *Erasmus students *UCC Staff
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*CACSSS is College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Science *SEFS is Science, Engineering & Food Science  *M&H is Medicine & Health  *B&L is Business & Law *ACE is Adult Continuing Education
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