Cycle Sisters Ride Leader Application Form for Lambeth / Wandsworth
Cycle Sisters, an award-winning Muslim women's cycling organisation, is looking for sisters from within the Muslim community to train as volunteer Ride Leaders in Lambeth / Wandsworth area and play a part as role models and community champions.  

The volunteer Ride Leaders will help run rides for our new Cycle Sisters Lambeth / Wandsworth group which will take place on a Saturday morning.  Rides are usually for a duration of 2-3 hours (including a social stop).  

This is an exciting opportunity to develop your cycling and leadership skills as well as share your passion for cycling with other Muslim women. You don't need to be an expert cyclist, just confident at cycling on the roads and comfortable up to a distance of 15 miles.  You'll receive free training and ongoing support and development in the role. 

Please make sure you've read the information about being a Ride Leader in this document before applying:

Applicants would need to be able to commit to leading 2-3 rides per month for at least one year from Clapham Common. You'll also need to be able to attend the training elements which involves some online modules and three days between December 2021 and February 2022 for the Ride Leader course, basic bike maintenance course and first aid (if not already a first aid certificate holder).  

As part of the recruitment process you will first undertake a free level 3 cycling lesson with a local instructor at a time convenient to you and then have an informal chat with a member of the Cycle Sisters team.

Please note that you must be able to attend the training courses outlined to be eligible for this programme. We do not yet have firm dates but will consult with you if selected to try to find dates suitable for all.

The deadline for completing this Application Form is the 14th November 2021.  

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Email *
Full Name *
Contact Number *
Postcode *
Do you own a bike? *
Are you able to commit to leading a ride 2 - 3 times per month for at least one year?  (Rides will be on a Saturday morning, lasting for around 3 hours (approx 9.30-12.30pm) *
Are you able to commit to the training programme outlined in the introduction (subject to confirming suitable dates? *
Why would you like to become a volunteer Ride Leader with Cycle Sisters and what skills do you think you would bring to the role? *
Please describe your cycling level and experience in your own words. This should include an overview of your cycling level, any training you have completed, the kind of distances you cycle, how often you cycle and why you cycle (commute/leisure etc).   *
Are there any other comments you would like to make to support your application?
Please complete this short Equal Opportunities form to help us monitor the effectiveness of our Equality and Diversity policy. The answers are completely confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes only (and you can opt out of each question if you wish) *
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