公開シンポジウム「今、フードビジネスに求められるグローバル化~イスラム教徒のための“ハラール対応”のあり方とは」参加申込フォーム Entry form Open Symposium held by Kyushu International University, Faculty of Contemporary Business (symposium will be conducted only in Japanese) "Globalization needed in the food business industry today: What is the "Halal response" for Muslims?”
The form 公開シンポジウム「今、フードビジネスに求められるグローバル化~イスラム教徒のための“ハラール対応”のあり方とは」参加申込フォーム Entry form Open Symposium held by Kyushu International University, Faculty of Contemporary Business (symposium will be conducted only in Japanese) "Globalization needed in the food business industry today: What is the "Halal response" for Muslims?” is no longer accepting responses.
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