Inspirational Bishop Award Nomination
This award exemplifies a person who inspires a positive attitude and outlook that directly affects students, faculty, staff and the greater campus community.

Selection Criteria: Must be a full-time faculty or staff member with at least one year of tenure who demonstrates and lives the following:
  • Principles of Positivity: Inspiring, Optimistic, Enthusiastic, Encouraging/Cheerleader and Collaborative
  • Builds community by promoting an inspiring and successful work environment with a positive attitude and enthusiasm that infects others
  • Orients goals and achievements in line with the University’s mission
  • Develops a shared vision of institutional excellence
  • Fosters an atmosphere of positive outcomes

This person makes an extraordinary effort to support others and improve morale in the department with a positive impact on students, faculty and staff.

Nominees are expected to positively demonstrate the University’s core values (Knowledge, Understanding, Integrity, Accountability, Patience, Respect, Kindness and Empathy).

Selection Committee: President & President’s Executive Team

Deadline: Nominations must be received no later than March 15th each year.

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