Asia Design Innovation Gallery 2021
The Asia Design Innovation Gallery aims to provide useful guidance for faculty members from higher education to adopt Design Thinking in their courses. The two-day workshops and sessions will focus on human-centered design. Faculty members can discover different tools and artifacts, facilitate different learning experiences, implement team teaching and more. This year the event will be organized virtually and adopt different websites and software to facilitate the Design Thinking processes.

When and where is this taking place?
24 – 25 Mar 2021 Online (from 9:30am - 12:00pm each day)
Day 1: Stoke, Empathy and Define
Day 2: Ideate, Prototype and Test

What’s the price for the admission?
General admission: FREE for this round (General Admission USD 300 (HKD 2,350))
Members from the universities in Hong Kong or Global Liberal Arts Alliance: FREE for this round (General Admission USD 200 (HKD 1,570))

When’s the deadline to RSVP?
11 Mar 2021 or when capacity is reached (40 participants)
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Name *
Email *
Contact Number (Signal/Whatsapp) *
University/Company/Organization *
In rate 1 - 10, how much do you know about Design Thinking Method? *
What are your goals to achieve by joining this workshop? (No more than 50 words) *
The personal data provided in this form will be used by the Office of Service-Learning and/or Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative, Lingnan University for the purpose of communications and processing the activities’ enrollment. All information provided will be destroyed within one year after the event is completed. Without your expressed approval, or unless required by law, the personal data collected herein will not be disclosed to third parties. *
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