Thank you for your help!
Add your voice to our Fall 2023/Spring 2024 Schedule + Programming. We're looking for feedback on your hopes, dreams, desires, and regular schedule so that we can offer classes that work best for you. Our feedback data is being collected anonymously, stored securely, and won't be published on any platform. 
How often do you attend class with Phil and Stacy?
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What is the main factor in your decision to sign up for classes with Phil & Stacy (Check all that apply)
When it comes to schedule/availability, when are you most available to attend classes? (Check all that apply)
When it comes to cost, how affordable are classes with Phil & Stacy? (Check all that apply)
When it comes to programming, can you tell us a little bit more about what classes you find most valuable?
When it comes to programming, what is it you feel is most lacking?
Would you recommend Classes with Phil & Stacy to a friend?
Last but not least, please check all that apply when it comes to communications from Phil & Stacy
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