Living the Lord's Prayer ... Our Father
Discussion/Reflection Questions
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Read Matthew 6:26-34; Luke 15:8-10.

How has my image of God changed over the years?  What experiences have challenged and shaped it?


What experiences in my life have reminded me that I am the beloved of God?


What role do I believe God plays in my personal suffering and the tragedies witnessed in the world?


What experiences in my life suggest the masculine dimension of God?  The feminine dimension of God?  The fact that god transcends all human gender characteristics?


Read Matthew 15:21-28; Luke 10:25-37.

What role does the prayer of intercession play in my daily prayer practices?  How far reaching do my intercessory prayers tend to go? (family & friends, community, nation, world?)


What circumstances and situations challenge me to move beyond legalistic obedience to the obligation of love?


How do I express hospitality?  What are the self imposed limits of my hospitality?

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