Be A River Rock Partner!
The River Rock Project will donate our River Rock Anthem Video and the River Rock song to 100 groups working to mobilize citizens, empower women and other marginalized voices, and Get Out the Vote in 2020.

Use of the Anthem can include: on your website; in a broadcast or podcast; live stream or other digital events; and distribution in newsletter or eblasts.

The River Rock Anthem Toolkit will be distributed to our partners beginning on August 27, 2020.

To become a River Rock Partner and receive an Anthem Toolkit and your logo and River Rock events listed on, fill out this simple form.

Questions? Reach Meghan or Jenny at 

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First Name *
Last Name *
Organization *
Title or Role at Organization *
Your email address *
Email to send toolkit (if different than above):
Contact name to send toolkit (if different than above):
Do you have any events planned where you would like to use River Rock? Let us know and we will include it in our listing of River Rock events! (Opportunity to add events will be included in your Anthem Toolkit)
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