leet-IELTS Academic Listening Quiz
This quiz will help you test your understanding of the format, question types, and strategies for the Listening section of the IELTS.
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How many sections are there in the IELTS Listening exam? *
1 point
What is the primary skill tested in the Listening section of the IELTS?
1 point
In Section 3, you typically hear a conversation related to:
1 point
How long do you have to review your answers after the listening audio has ended?
1 point
Which of the following best describes the audio in Section 1 of the Listening exam?
1 point
True or False: You will hear the audio recordings only once during the test.
1 point
What type of listening piece is Section 4 usually based on?
1 point
What type of questions might you expect in Section 2 of the Listening exam?
1 point
Which type of question requires you to write a response in your own words?
1 point
Which section might include a diagram, plan, or map that you need to label?
1 point
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