MAACE Teacher of the Year Award
Please complete and submit your teacher of the year nominees using this form.
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Adreça electrònica *
What is your phone number? *
Please provide your contact number for any follow up that we might have.
Teacher's Name *
Please list the teacher's first and last name.
Program Teacher Works *
Please list the program name and class site
How long has this teacher been in adult education? *
Please give an approximate estimate of his/her years in adult education.
Who is nominating this teacher? *
Please list your name and title.
What makes this teacher unique? *
Please answer below providing significant details about this nominee.
What hardships (if any) has this teacher overcome? *
Please answer below providing significant details about this nominee.
What has this teacher accomplished that goes above and beyond other staff? *
Please answer below providing significant details about this nominee.
What about this teacher's story would inspire others? *
Please answer below providing significant details about this nominee.
What is your favorite thing about this teacher's attitude? *
Please answer below providing significant details about this nominee.
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