Prijava na 71. Hudo pokušnjo!  // Sign-up form for the 71. Wicked Tasting!
28. 8. 2020 ob 17:00 pred Staro steklarsko delavnico na Ptuju. // 28 August 2020 at 17:00 at Old Glassware Workshop in Ptuj.


zaradi ukrepov za preprečevanje širjenja novega koronavirusa, lahko ta dogodek sprejme le 43 gledalcev. Verjamemo, da boste tudi vi ravnali odgovorno in v skladu s priporočili NIJZ ter tako doprinesli k varnosti na festivalu.

Ob vpisu več oseb izpolnite obrazec za vsakega obiskovalca ločeno. Le tako bo imel vsak prijavljeni zagotovljen sedež na dogodku. Prosimo, da na prizorišče pridete 15 min pred pričetkom dogodka, v nasprotnem primeru se rezervacija sprosti. V kolikor se dogodka ne boste mogli udeležiti, prosimo, da nam to pravočasno javite na Tako boste nekomu drugemu omogočili obisk dogodka in mu polepšali dan.

Držite pesti, da bo vreme na naši strani. V primeru dežja lahko notranji prostori lokacije sprejmejo le 23 obiskovalcev. Prednost bodo imeli tisti, ki so se vpisali prvi. Vse ostale bomo o morebitni prezasedenosti prostora obvestili po elektronski pošti.

Več informacij o dogodku najdete tukaj:

VSI DOGODKI v sklopu festivala Dnevi poezije in vina ostajajo BREZPLAČNI.


Dear Sir or Madam,

Due to the measures taken to contain the new Coronavirus disease, only 43 spectators can be admitted to this event. You are expected to act responsibly and comply with the instructions from the National Institute of Public Health and thus help to ensure safety at the festival.

If you wish to sign up more people to the event, please complete the form for each of them individually so as to ensure each of them is guaranteed a seat. Please arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the start of the event, otherwise, the reservation will be released. If you are unable to attend the event, please let us know at the earliest convenience at, so that your seat can be allocated to someone else.

We hope the weather is favourable, but in the event of rain, the event will be moved to an interior venue which will, however, be able to accept no more than 23 people. Priority will be given to the first people to sign up. The others will be informed by email if the maximum capacity of the venue is reached.

More information about this event is available here:

ALL THE EVENTS organised as part of the Days of Poetry and Wine festival are FREE OF CHARGE.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Ime in priimek. // Name and surname. *
E-mail. *
Polni naslov stalnega prebivališča [ulica/kraj, hišna številka, poštna številka, pošta]. // Full address [Street name and number; suite/unit number, (as appropriate); city, country] *
Telefonska številka. // Phone number. *
Hvala za prijavo! Čisto na koncu obrazca stisnite še POŠLJI (angleško SUBMIT). // Thank you for signing up! Make sure to press POŠLJI (in translation SUBMIT) at the end of the form.

Vabljeni tudi na ostale dogodke festivala. Dodatne informacije o Pesniških branjih, Hudih pokušnjah, Otroškem programu, Gledališču, Vinskem programu in še čem si lahko ogledate tukaj:

Vaše osebne podatke, zbrane za prijavo na dogodek, bomo hranili v skladu z uredbo GDPR in bodo čez en mesec izbrisani.

Lep dan želimo,
ekipa festivala Dnevi poezije in vina


You are also kindly invited to attend the other events at the festival. You can find extra information on the Poetry Readings, Wicked Tastings, Children’s Programme, Theatre, wine tastings and more by following this link:

Your personal data gathered from this form will be kept in accordance with the GDPR and deleted in a month.

Have a lovely day,
Days of Poetry and Wine team

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