Cascade Valley Heritage Farm Internship
Interested in hands-on learning on a diversified, heritage, regenerative farm? Fill out this form for your opportunity!
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Email *
Name *
Are you a Chico State Student? Not required, but students are prioritized. *
Can you provide proof of health insurance AND COVID-19 Vaccine? *
Do you have reliable transportation? Uber/Lyft don't come out to us. *
We do morning (8-10am range) and evening (6-8pm range, depending on the season) chores, which are the primary training times. Are you available during either of these times at least twice a week for initial training? *
While we will have plenty of learning opportunities, a lot of farming is grunt work - cleaning up poop, moving hay, mucking out pens, fixing things, building things, unloading feed, etc. Are you willing and able to take on this kind of work? *
Why are you interested in this internship? *
What aspect of the farm are you most interested in learning about? *
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