The Co-Op Cup 64 Registration - 2 Player 120 Star
Congratulations on entering the The Co-Op Cup64 presented by Logaaaaan64

Please note, you only need one person to enter the registration for your team and all you need is a Discord account, a way to run Co-Op 64 Deluxe and to share your gameplay!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is the Username for Player 1?
(ensure this is spelled correctly, to be used in tournament brackets etc)
What is the Username for Player 2? 
(ensure this is spelled correctly, to be used in tournament brackets etc)
Discord Username for Player 1
(To be used to verify the identity of runners and share gameplay)
Discord username for Player 2
(To be used to verify the identity of runners and share gameplay)
Link your account for Player 1, (if you do not have one, you can create one here) *
Link your account for Player 2, (if you do not have one, you can create one here) *
Please share your social media handles and label them P1 or P2 respectively - You can also post links if you prefer 

To be used if we do mention or higlight someone, you can find more of them here 
Are you willing to post about the tournament leading up to it? *
By Checking the below checkbox you agree to the following

 - I have Joined the Discord -

 - I agree to being ready and available to share my gameplay 30 minutes prior to racetime in the Discord (link to be sent upon completion)

 - I agree to having my runs Broadcast as part of The Co Op Cup 64

 -  I currently run the latest version of Super Mario 64 DX (version 1.2.1)

 - By entering this category I agree me and my partner will not be participating in the 5-9 player category 

 - If a finalist I will be available to talk on discord for pre and post race discussions

 - Friendly banter and competition is fine but I will not cross the line or hatefully attack anybody

 - I am over 18 or have my parents permission to participate
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