CMO Community Grants Spring 2023
The deadline is 23.59 on the 12th of March 2023.

The panel will meet the following week to review applications. 

Please complete all of the required fields to the best of your ability. Once complete, hit submit and your responses will be shared with the Community Grants Panel. Any further documentation you would like to include must be emailed to using the subject line "community grants". Please arrange for this to be emailed before the deadline date.
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Telephone *
Applicant Name (Primary Contact) *
If applying on behalf of a Group or Organisation, please include this name here:
Applicant address and/or Organisation's registered address for correspondence:
Details of Bank or Building Society to which funds are deposited should your application be successful, starting with the name of the Bank or Building Society: *
Account Holder Name *
Sort Code: *
Account Number: *
Is your project able to reclaim VAT? If this does apply, please write the VAT registration number below.  If not, simply write "n/a" *
If an organisation or group is applying, what are the main aims and activities of your organisation / group? (max 250 words) (Individuals, please skip this question)
Project Title *
Primary location(s) or areas where the activities will take place *
What are the proposed start and finish dates for your project where the funding would be utilised? *
What is the project about? What are its aims? Please include information on who you are trying to reach/attract, how many attendees you hope to achieve and any experience you have of organising similar events. (max 250 words)  *
How will Chilmington Green residents benefit from your project? Please include information on how you intend to promote this event to residents. (max 250 words) *
Which category of grant does your project fall within? *
Please itemise the estimated costs of your project, specifically those which the funding would cover. (The sum total of these expenses can either fall under £1,000 or up to £2,000 based on the category selected in the previous question.) *
Should you not receive the total amount requested, how will you make up any shortfall in your project’s funding? Please briefly describe. (250 words max) *
Do you expect to receive funding, or have you received funding already for your project from anyone else? If so, please give details of the amount you expect to receive and when you expect to receive it? Simply put "n/a" if this does not apply. *
Does your project need any permissions or licences, such as planning permission, permission of the landlord or public entertainment licence? Please confirm if licences/permissions are already in place or any risks associated with obtaining them upon receiving a CMO Community Grant.  (250 words max) If no, simply write "n/a" *
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